Chapter Nine

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When my eyes fluttered open I instantly knew something was wrong. I hopped out of bed and darted upstairs. "Adam!" I called.

There was no answer. I looked at the clock above the stove, it was only three in the morning. I searched the house and found him in his room. He was passed out, a bowl of soup on his nightstand. I took it and went back to the kitchen. I inspected the house, my senses were usually right. This is what emotions do to you, your not yourself anymore, my mind whispered.

I growled at myself. I rinsed the bowl and set it in the sink. I went back downstairs. I started cleaning and found a sweatshirt on the floor. I went over and picked it up. I smelled it and thought, Daniel. I closed my eyes and chuckled at myself. I threw it over the back of the couch. Soon it was time for Adam to wake. I went back upstairs wearing my school uniform. I looked in to see Adam still asleep. I went over to the home phone and dialed the school. "Sinnersberg High School, how may I help you?" asked the receptionist.

I smiled. "Adam Vick will sick again today," I said.

"And is this his mother?" she asked.

"This is Scarlett Black," I said looking at the calender.

"Oh, alright Miss. Black," she said.

I hung up and went back into Adam's room. I shook him lightly. "What!" he said jumping up.

"You can stay home again, I already called you in," I smiled.

He snuggled back into his pillow. "Thanks," he murmured already drifting to sleep.

I went downstairs to gather all my books and threw them in my bag. Just then I heard a knock on the door. I went to answer it. There stood Daniel, his uniform baggy and his tie loose. I smiled at him. "I thought we could walk together today," he smiled.

I nodded. "Bye Adam!" I called.

I heard his yell bye back. I walked out the door with Daniel.

When we got to school everyone stared like normal. "Did you get Mrs. Cannab's worksheet done?" he asked as we headed to our lockers, hand in hand.

"Yeah," I smiled at him, "What did you not get it do it?" I asked dramatically.

He just smiled back at me. I ripped the paper out of my bag and handed it to him. "You have nice handwriting," he smiled a toothy grin.

I laughed and shuffled through my locker. "What a cute couple," someone scoffed.

I turned around to expect Erik but instead a brunette with the tall blonde boy that always bullied Derek stood there glaring at us. I just smirked. "Not only one person has to have balls," I sneered and kissed Daniel.

I heard her snort and walk away. I just smiled at Daniel, him standing there looking happy. I just shook my head, still smiling. "What do you want to do after school?" he asked.

I cocked my head thinking. "I'm not sure, I have a lot of homework and studying to do so unless you want to join me..." I trailed off smiling at him.

"Fine," he chuckled.

We walked to class and waited. At lunch Daniel and I sat at a table alone together. "Hm, can I ask you something?" he asked inspecting a grape.


"What do you think about traveling?" he asked plopping the grape in his mouth.

"It's fun, I used to do it a lot. But sometimes settling down is the best answer," I smiled at him.

"Well I was thinking about giving up street fighting to take this job as a traveling business man, it's professional but the boss says I have potential," he said studying me.

"As long as you're not gone for over a week at a time I think it'd be a great idea," I shrugged.

"I'll look into it then," he said.

He looked down and his hand reached across the table to grasp mine. "I can picture it you know," he whispered quietly.

I looked at him confused. "Coming home from a trip to see you and a beautiful little girl and boy waiting for me," he whispered.

My eyes widened. I knew that even though Daniel and I have not been together for long we haven't been able to express our feelings to anyone and being able to confide in each other tended to rush things. I just smiled at him. That would be a long time away but I could see it too. I squeezed his hand making him look up. He saw my smile and smiled back. His eyes widened. "Oh I can't come over after school today. My dad was going to see a job interview and I was going to go to make sure he didn't get... aggressive," he said looking me over.

I just chuckled. "That's fine," I smiled.

After school Daniel and I went on our separate ways. I watched Daniel disappear over the hill separating our houses. I continued walking and got home. When I got home I decided to go on a run before I did my homework. I grabbed running shorts and a comfy tank top with a jumper. I put on my running shoes and threw my long hair up into a high pony tail. I grabbed my phone and slipped it in on my inside pocket. I grabbed a drink of water before going to the door. "I'm going on a run! If I'm not back in a half hour call me!" I called.

I heard Adam call back in agreement. I ran, all the way to the outskirts of town. Forest threatened to eat me but I ran straight. One foot in front of the other. I heard a car approach and waited for it to pass. It never did. I looked behind me in just enough time to see a back go over my head, and a flash of white hair.

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