Chapter Eight

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How could he love me? Love wasn't something I've felt in a very long time. But was that what I've been feeling around him? The butterflies in my stomach when we hold hands and the electricity that runs over my skin whenever he touches me, or the way my lungs freeze up when he says anything sweet... or how my heart stopped beating when he kissed me the other night? I watched him and glanced over his shoulder at the staff, they all seemed to be holding their breath. Did we really need an audience? I wrapped my arms around Daniel. "I don't know what love is but if I did I think I would say I loved you," I breathed back.

He buried his head in my shoulder and held me. "Whatever this guy Erik has planned, he won't touch you," he snarled.

I blinked quickly. I knew that if Daniel even breathed near Erik, he would be a dead man.

When I got home Daniel had went home and Adam was waiting for me. "Girl, you have got to pick me up some chicken noodle," Adam groaned.

He was laying on the couch sloppily. "Yeah, I'll go grab some just let me change out of my uniform," I sighed.

I went downstairs and slipped off my uniform, and draped it over my desk chair. I slipped on black skin tight leggings and a hoodie. I put on my boots and threw my hair over my shoulder. I grabbed some money from the rainy day jar in the kitchen and headed over to the closet grocery store. I got in and instantly regretted it. I heard laughing from the back. Teenager. I stifled a groan and went down the isles looking for the soup. I found it, the second isle to the back. I grabbed three cans and shuffled to the counter. I heard the laughter get closer and then they burst into eyesight. There stood Erik and the boys who bully Daniel. They all died into silence when the saw me and I refused to let them know I'd acknowledged them. I knew Erik was stalking towards me and I growled. I felt Erik's breath on my neck and I grimaced. I grabbed my bag after paying and charged out the door. I knew they were following me and they'd keep following me. I didn't want to go to my house and lead them there so I texted Daniel, standing on the sidewalk.

Are you home? What's your address?

I sighed and waited for his response.

7899 Wicker Oak Drive. Why?

I responded instantly.

Went to the store for Adam and now Erik and your bully crew are following me. I'll be over in five

I found Daniel's house easily, and Erik and his crew were still following. Daniel walked out of the house to greet me. His eyes searched and found Erik's crew down the street and he welcomed me in an embrace. "Do you think they'll confront you?" he whispered in my ear.

"Maybe. Shit!" I gasped.


"I literally just led them to your house!" my eyes widened.

"It's fine, if they want to go through me they can go through my drunk of a father," he smiled.

I smiled back. I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw Erik and his crew coming closer. I smiled at Daniel and kissed him. I didn't know if I was a good kisser or not but I knew it would piss the hell out of Erik. Daniel seemed surprised but smiled as I kissed him. I laced my arms around Daniel's neck and I felt his arms slip around me waist. "Do you just want to stay the night? Or you could hang here till late and sneak you back," he smiled.

I just nodded and kissed him again, it's been a long time since I've kissed anyone. I smiled against his lips. "Lets go inside, my dad's home but he should be passed out," Daniel smiled.

I nodded. We went inside just as Erik and his crew got super close. Daniel's dad who was bald and overweight had no shirt on and boxers on. It was rather unattractive. The house was a complete mess and Daniel led me down the hall to a room. It was rather bland but clean. Daniel flopped down on his bed and curled up into a ball. I sat beside him and he pulled me to his arms wrapping his arms around me. I laughed as he kissed my face. I wonder why he was acting so happy. "It's a little far that they're stalking us through the window," Daniel frowned.

I peeked behind him and sure enough they were peeking through the window. I flipped over so I was sitting on Daniel's waist and I leaned down to kiss him. It was a little weird I was kissing him like this, it was so sexual, and believe it or not I wasn't really sure if I was going to have that kind of relationship with Daniel. He smiled against my lips. "This is really fun but really inappropriate," Daniel laughed.

"There is a lot of inappropriate things we could do," I laughed.

He looked up and I felt his hand going up and down my side. "I think they're gone," he whispered.

I rolled off of him and he propped his head up on his hand. "So why is he so interested in you?" Daniel asked.

"Why are you?" I smiled daringly.

"Pretty, smart, strong, perfect, soft, warm-" "Stop," I laughed.

"Well when I broke up with him he promised he'd never let me be free, that I don't get that right," I sighed.

"You do," he murmured.

I smiled at him. "I think I should be able to go now," I smiled.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow," he kissed me and walked me to the door.

I walked home and it was so quiet it was unsettling. I got home and gave Adam his soup, even though he was giving me questioning glances. I went downstairs and fell into my bed. I was so tired of keeping my eyes open.

I was so tired of everything.

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