Chapter Five

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I woke up and wondered where I was. I looked over and saw Daniel by me. He was in my bed. I scooted away but saw his arm was draped across my waist, trapping me to him. My face flushed and I made sure I was wearing clothes. When I saw I was I sighed a sigh of relief. "Shhh," Daniel murmured.

I looked over to him. "In a few minutes I'm going to have to wake up out of this bliss and go back to reality, let me enjoy it please," he said pulling me to his chest.
I let him for some reason. I relaxed against him, finding his chest surprisingly comfortable. I waited for him to wake again but he fell back asleep. I turned over and looked him in the eyes. His were closed and his eyelashes were surprisingly long, his cheeks had a morning glow and his hair was all ruffed up. He looked absolutely magnificent. I lifted my hand and grazed his jaw. His eyes snapped open. I flinched away. "Scarlett," he said simply.

"Yes?" I asked curiously.

"I can't wait until the Halloween Ball, will you please go on a date with me?" his voice cracked on the last word, high pitched, hysteric.

I contained my smile. "Of course," I said smiling.

He broke into a grin and wrapped me up in his arms. I was laughing and squirming against him. I laid with my back to his stomach and smiled. His arms were draped over my ribs and I closed my eyes. I breathed in and out evenly and I wondered if he thought i'd fallen asleep. "We should go on a date instead of working out," he said quietly.

"Nice try," I smiled and twisted to face him.

Our noses were two inches apart and I felt my face flush. I looked over him and hugged him. Our breath mixed between us. "What did you have in mind?" I smiled looking up.

"Today, go to the mall. Tonight, street fighting," he smirked.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "I want to show you what I've got," he chuckled and I laughed at his dirty double meaning.

I flung myself off of him. I stretched and yawned. "I don't know what i'm going to wear," he said sitting on the corner of the bed.

I ran upstairs and snuck into Adam's room and grabbed skinny jeans and a black shirt. I ran back downstairs and handed him the clothes. He went and got dressed in the bathroom and I changed into a faded tan colored floral summer dress. It was strapless and I slipped on boating flats. I brushed out my hair and put on makeup. When I turned around I saw Derek standing there looking much better in Adam's clothes than Adam. He looked over me. "You look nice," he smiled.

I blushed and looked away. Even though my mind was grumbling my heart was racing. I was going on a date, with Daniel. We walked to the mall, hand in hand. People stared as they drove by but for some reason I was too damn giddy. Daniel was practically making sure I wasn't skipping off. "I've never seen you so happy," he laughed.

"Neither have I," I stopped thinking.

He smiled at me. He wrapped his arm around my waist, holding me against him before I ran off. I leaned against him and laid my head on his shoulder. "You're so interesting," he huffed.

I looked up at him curious. "You're emotionless towards other people then you let all your emotion on me. I don't mind it but... it's interesting," he smiled.

I smiled back. There was defiantly something wrong with me. We got to the mall and people stared as we walked hand in hand. He looked like a full on goth and here I was in a dress. Lots of people were staring at us and I kind of felt uncomfortable. We first went into 'Hot Topic'. Daniel looked at a lot of things but decided none of it was worth the cost. I went over and found matching beenies. I held up the one that said 'Hers' and I slipped on the one that said 'His'. I bought them and even though the black beenie didn't match my outfit I loved it. We went and had lunch at the food court. There were groups of emo kids in the corner and they were staring at Daniel, then their gaze turned to glares as their eyes raised to mine. I looked away, blank faced. I reached over and held Daniel's hand across the table. "Daniel?" an unfamiliar voice said.

I looked up and saw a boy who looked slightly older than Daniel, he had a chipped tooth and a swollen lip. He scooted in next to Daniel. "Tink?" Daniel asked, his eyes widening.

"The one and only," he smiled a toothy smile at Daniel.

His gaze shifted to me and he smirked. "Who's she?" he asked Daniel.

I felt my face go blank and I stared at him. "Scarlett," Daniel smiled, a twinkle in his eye.

Tink leaned in closer to Daniel. "She's just a drag along right?" he asked Daniel.

I got up without saying anything and dumped my tray. I heard Daniel push Tink out of the way to come over to me. "He didn't mean that," Daniel said leaning to look me in the eye.

"Could've fooled me," I frowned.

He hugged me, warm. "Who cares?" he smiled at me.

We left Tink at the empty table and we left the mall. We headed back to Adam's and chilled. We leaned against each other and watched Tv. We sat side by side, my thigh over his, his hand running up and down my thigh. At first I was like, what the hell, but I liked it. I snuggled into Daniel. I've never felt this emotion towards anyone. Why him? Why now? I asked myself. I looked up at Daniel.

And decided I didn't care.

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