Birthday Month Ch. 11

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       March was peaceful for the most part until the number 1 asshole on my list tried me and I didn't fight back. Also, thank you guys so much for number 3 for based on a true story. Another quick little note sorry for the late update.
       It was in the middle of Spanish class and he shoved me into a desk. I locked eyes with a friend like "are you seeing this bs" and she gave me the look of "don't do it" so I didn't do anything. As he shoved me he said this "I'm not crippled anymore". Karma loves getting people back cause the next Monday he shows up in crutches.
       This month was also my birthday I didn't do much for it though. I just had a fancy meal and had food delivered to my school. Although on the weekend I went to my grandmas house to have bbq from my uncles new smoker. The real reason why I went was because they also got a new puppy.
       I joined track and field and we had an invite. Basically around 80 schools come to my school to compete and everyone on the track team from my school has to volunteer. So we are stuck there for around 12 hours from 7 am to 7 pm. Also no one is allowed to leave early.
       The first few jobs I had to do was help get all the drinks over to the stands. I then went down to check on the throwing sections and asked if the volunteers from the other school needed any help. A few of them side-eyed me and one of them said "We're thowers we know what we are doing".
      After that I got assigned to weigh implements and make sure they are the correct weight. I was there for a good amount of time with my friends we were literally sitting in the shade on our phones waiting to measure. It was kinda funny as we sat in luxury while other people ran around doing jobs.
       That remark of "We're thowers we know what we are doing" got really funny when our coach came to us frantic about what was happening. She said that the official isn't measuring correctly and that the volunteers from the other school were being lazy. She closed our station as we went over there to get everything in check.
       I split up my team one person on the side with the other volunteers and 2 on the side with zero volunteers. As soon as we got there we introduced ourselves to the official and got shit done. We actually pissed off some of the throwers because their marks were "off" but really it was because we were actually measuring correctly.
       The volunteers from the other school were literally watching the other events instead of helping. I saw some of them move all of the chairs as well. When I saw this I went over there and told them this. "Hey I need you guys out there doing shit you were stationed here for a reason. I need you guys to get the balls and mark where the ball lands."
       Now do you think any of them did that? Only three of them helped out and one was part of the group I had to go talk to. At the end of the day we got shit done.
       Remember how I was stationed at the weighing table well lets just say I had access to some juicy documents there. I brought it up to my coach that "It's really funny that they were allowed to compete here because they had students volunteering but their volunteers did nothing". My coach said this to me you're "absolutely right, go say that to our head coach".
       I wasn't able to tell him but I did see my coach tell him. He looked furious, he immediately got onto his phone and called that other school. At the end of it we got a bunch of the left overs from pizza to donuts then we were released.
       This month had a bunch of big events in it but my favourite is when me and my friends played with and ouija board and I managed to piss off some spirits. That happened because I was bored and wanted something to happen so I started roasting some spirits.

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