We Definitely Won't Ch. 17

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This is going to be a continuation of the last chapter since more bullshit happened. He recently told me that he doesn't have time for a relationship so he just wants a free with benefits. So this boy is only after one thing.
       Also apparently David is "afraid of gay guys" and the reason why is because he doesn't like the extra utility we carry. Also apparently he has a thing for lesbians. Which I could kind of tell but I ignored it.
I learned all this from word of mouth so take it with a grain of salt because it makes no sense to me. Especially when if I walked into a room he looks me up and down. Yet apparently I scare him, which is fair since I'm a bit intense.
Multiple of my friends have had these talks with him and that's where I got my information from. Also one of my friends caught feelings for him. She's literally Bi so he's probably going to fetishise her. So it's a really shitty situation.
I'm used to being treated like a zoo animal by straight guys so it's really strange for me to be treated like a normal person. So when he's been doing all of this, I really thought he wanted a piece of this. It's fine for me since he wasn't my type, but I'm an attention whore so I'm gonna miss that at least.
I'm also a vindictive bitch so I might start flirting with him just to mess with him. Since he doesn't like my friend (hopefully never will) and since I scare him. I'm a call that hitting three birds with one stone since that's free entertainment.
While I'm writing I might as well fill you in with some other drama. So none of my friends on AVID council like our vice president of sophomore year. I at first thought she wasn't a threat until a few hiccups happened along the road.
She's always rubbed me the wrong as she just had that energy of I'm better than you. The first time she made me really think I was right was when she left my group to do most of the work in a group project. As she would leave to talk to other groups.
The next time was recently when she got one of her friends to play a prank on one of my friends. I'm usually okay with pranks but this one wasn't acceptable. As it was the Ima pretend that I like you when I actually don't. That prank just shows how immature you are.
On top of that she barely does anything on council and she leaves the president to do everything. That's why I want to get her impeached but I don't have enough power on council nor enough evidence to remove her. Thankfully soon we'll be able to vote to get new positions.

Growing Up GayDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora