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We step into the elevator and I prepare myself for the slow, creaky ride I've come to expect from elevators. So, I'm surprised by the speed of this elevator, the people below shrinking quickly. I want to ask Effie if we can ride it again, but I can already sense that we don't have time in our schedule for that.

I learn that Effie stays with us until we go into the arena. Which is probably a good thing, she'll guarantee we make it anywhere.

Effie is on cloud nine, she's never had a team make an impression at the opening ceremonies. This is a first for her that she isn't taking lightly.Effie is busy bragging about her many friends in the capitol, sharing how she talked us up all day, doing everything she can to win us sponsors. 

"I've been very mysterious though, Because, of course, Haymitch hasn't bothered to tell me your strategies. But I've done my best with what I've had to work with. How Katniss sacrificed herself for her sister. How you've both struggled to overcome the barbarianism of your district," Effie continues. I resist the urge to snort at her use of barbarianism. She's of the people who watch the Hunger Games for its entertainment value, rather than by force of the Capitol, "Everyone has their reservations, naturally. But I said, and this was very clever of me, I said, 'Well if you put enough pressure on coal it turns to pearls'!" 

I once again resist the urge to snort. It's diamonds. If you put enough pressure on coal, it turns to diamonds. Either the people she spoke to today didn't know or didn't care; I can't tell which is worse. Though, both Katniss and myself reply enthusiastically to Effie's declaration, that's all we can do. 

"Unfortunately, I can't seal sponsorship deals for you. Only Haymitch can do that," Effie continues on, "But don't worry, I'll get him to the table at gunpoint if necessary."

For a moment I wonder what it's been like for the other district twelve tributes. The ones that Haymitch doesn't deem fighters, or the ones that don't make a 'splash' at opening ceremonies. Does anyone talk to them, do they even care? I think to the kids from the Seam last year and I can't imagine Effie taking any interest in them. I banish the thoughts from my head, not wanting to imagine it anymore. 

I am led to my room and find it to be even more luxurious than the train. The bed is huge, there are buttons everywhere, and the drawers are full of clothes. I find myself in the shower, pressing every button I can. By the end, I smell like roses. It's not a bad scent, it's enough to remind me of the bushes at the edge of the meadow, full of roses. It's enough to remind me of home. 

I spend the next hour wandering through the room, pressing buttons. By the end, everything seems to be to my liking. It's all enough to remind me of home and I have to stop myself from letting the tears escape my eyes. 

I wander out of my room, into the dining room. Our stylists are standing on a balcony that overlooks the city, speaking quietly. When they notice me, we exchange pleasantries. 

"Here, I have something to show you," says Katniss' stylist, Cinna. I follow his lead, following him up a staircase onto the roof of the training center. The expanse of the city available to my eyes for the first time.

"Wow," tumbles out of my mouth involuntarily. 

Then Cinna speaks, quickly, but I don't miss a word, "I've presented you two as a team, don't waste that." 

With a turn on his heel, he's gone. I'm left alone pondering his words. By the time I'm downstairs, I have realized that Cinna's done what I never could have done on my own. He's made my reason to save Katniss believable, he's given it creditability. I know what I have to do, I have to say the right thing in my interview and I have to have Haymitch help me. 

Hunger Games (Peeta's POV)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon