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I see the clear look of betrayal settle into her eyes, before what I can only describe as relief flash through them as well. I understand the feeling of relief when I imagine her thinking I'm trying to kill her, but it still makes my stomach uneasy. Her eyes slightly narrow before she slides her mask into place, "Good. So, what's the schedule?" 

"You'll have four hours with Effie for presentation and four hours with me for content," Haymitch explains, "You start with Effie, Katniss." 

Haymitch and I walk down the hallway into a room set with two chairs, similar to the ones that Ceaser Flickerman and the tributes sit in each year. Haymitch settles into one and gestures for me to occupy the other, "The goal of these interviews is to get the audience to like you, you've piqued  their interest, now you have to keep it. Let's practice with a few basic questions, then we'll get to the love."

He slips into character easily, as though he's spent many years mocking Ceaser Flickerman, "Peeta, Peeta, Peeta,  my favorite type of bread, you know! I hope it doesn't show!"

I smile, letting the poor joke settle between us, leaving space for a laughing audience. The timing comes easy to me, I can imagine the audience sitting before me now, "Oh, Ceaser. You know the camera adds ten pounds..."

Haymitch and I banter back and forward for the next two hours, him looking pleased with every interaction we do. He stares at me in silence for awhile before speaking, "You're going to be a hit in the Capitol. The banter is good, you're witty while still being funny. You're kind in a self aware kind of way. I think what you need to do is make the audience laugh, give them whiplash for how fast you can take them from laughing to crying for your lost love. That's how you need to play this. Now, let's get into the meat of the interview, I'll get Ceaser to lead you, but you have to say it and you have to say it right."

He launches into character, "You look strong, you must be a hit with the ladies back home."

I smile, the kind of smile that shows you're hiding something, "Oh, I don't know about that. I think I'm a hit with the old ladies in the bakery, but I'm not sure I've caught anyone else's attention."

Haymitch snorts, "That can't be true, look at him ladies and gentleman! We don't believe you!"

"I mean, one's caught my eye, but I don't think I'll ever have her," I say, a look of sadness crossing my face when I realize how true that is. Only one of us goes home. We will never have a chance to even be friends. I should've spoken to her, I know that. But, for the first time it truly hits me. I wasted four years of her at least being aware of me just to be thrown into an arena to kill each other. I should've walked into the rain and given her the bread, I should've talked to her the next day, I should've sat with her at lunch, I should've done something. But, now all I can do is hope I can send her home. 

"You think she won't go for a victor?" Hawmitch questions.

"Not if she's already here with me," I say, staring at my lap.

Haymitch breaks character to scold me, "You need them to feel something for you that isn't pity. You need to be sad, but still in the room with them. You can't get caught in your head, you have to play this for the audience. That's the only way this works."

By the end of the four hours, I've mastered what to say to the audience to keep them on my side. For the first time, I know that I am going to give Katniss a great advantage. Maybe I'll even earn myself some sponsors while I'm at it. 

Me and Haymitch settle down to a pleasant lunch, laughing before Katniss storms into the room, her skirt hiked up to her thighs with Effie following behind her looking annoyed. Lunch is quiet, both Effie and Katniss ignoring each other. I can't imagine what you could do to Effie to make her ignore you. 

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