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The mud has dried around me, I try to shift, to force cracks into it, but all it does is hold me tighter. Every movement wakes my leg, making the pain in it more apparent than it's been in days. So, I sit back, trying to find comfort in the ground. 

I continue to routine of sitting here, thinking, and drinking water when necessary. I've long since given up on food, knowing I don't want to be surrounded by my own vomit after every time I eat. 

I try to think of the last day I can truly remember. It was the day with the Tracker Jackers. The last time I was positive Katniss was alive. I think back to the clearing with Cato. I should've tackled him, taking his sword to my chest, to keep him away from her. I should've done more to put distance between them. I should've killed one of them in their sleep. I should've done something. Something I could be proud of. I have nothing but failed attempts at being a savior to look back on. 

Another anthem sounds, the lack of variation in my days starts to drive me crazy when I hear the trumpets. I know the sound of them, you hear them in the games when desperation is running at a high. I know that the words following the trumpets will promise a feast, a savior, something to push someone into the lead. I know that I'm too far gone to be able to do anything but die. So, I settle back into my bed and close my eyes. 

But, my eyes snap open when I hear the words, "There's been a rule change."

I've watched the Games for many years, even participated in them now, and I've yet to see a rule book, something concrete to tell us what to do. He continues on, "Under this new rule, both tributes from the same district will be declared winners if they are the last two alive." 

He repeats it again, my mind reeling to catch up. That has to be for me and Katniss, it has to. The only reason they'd change the rules so drastically would be for the Capitol citizens. We must be a hit. Which begs the question, why hasn't Haymitch sent me anything to heal my leg yet? We must have the sponsors. I keep thinking of the rule change though. They wouldn't only announce it for one District. There must be multiple districts with two tributes left. I try to think of who was left the last time I'd been awake, but my mind can't seem to grasp much more than the fact that Katniss is alive and I could go home with her. 

I start to move, trying to pull myself out of the ground. The pain in my leg is instant and stills me. I don't know what to do besides lay back in my old position. I reason with myself that Katniss will find me, if she wants to. She must know I'm injured, taking on the risk of being near me could be a death sentence for her. 

I fight with myself, selfishly hoping she'll find me and risk everything to be with me. But, the rational part of me knowing she'd never be able to keep both of us alive, it would be better for her to abandon me. I hope to die quickly that night, hoping that I won't be the reason she doesn't make it home. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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