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12 months earlier
location- Tampa International Airport
Time- 12:00 am

I had my entire 20 years of life all packed into two suitcases and a backpack. All the cash that i had hid for years in the back of my closet, sat roller in a hair tie in my wallet. the contacts of any family members blocked and deleted. Any exes or old friends were either blocked or notified of my sudden action.

I wouldn't say sudden is the correct word. More like 10 years in the making. Years of mental and verbal abuse, expectations and court cases. I couldn't take that house anymore. I wanted leave when i turned 18 but i wouldn't have made it far. i would have made it to Texas and been homeless. Three jobs and a hell of lot of random chores later i'm sitting in the airport waiting to board my flight. i got the cheapest ticket, only costing 50 dollars one way. i don't plan on having to buy a ticket back here any time soon.

"Now boating flight to San Martin Airport. Last call for letter groups D,E and F"
the PA system shoots me out of my thoughts as i juggle my bags. Scanning my ticket and boarding the plane, reality didn't set in.
I was happy i was leaving my fucked up world behind.

I stuffed my bag into the over head bins, sitting in the last row my backpack sat underneath the seat and my other bag was below in the storage of the plane.
This red eye flight would take me away from the mayhem and tragedy that is my family. All the years of planning and torment will finally be worth it.

We begin take off. The moon is shining and the stars are there too, i look out the window and see the lights of Tampa below us. The hotels and beach resorts shine lighter as turtle season approaches. As we fly, we pass over the neighborhood i called home for 20 years. The flood lights of the house become dimmer as we continue to fly higher and higher until the light is nonexistent.

Reality sets in.
I'm leaving.
A stupid grin over takes my face as i close the window and let sleep take over.

Heyy!! First chapter!! I hope y'all r excited because i am!! Let me know what y'all think!

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