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The next day, Gray walked out of the room he was sleeping in and found Erza, Lucy, Wendy, and Natsu packing their bags.

''Whats this? why are you packing?'' Gray asked

''Oh! Good morning Gray!'' replied Natsu with an excited look on his face

Gray examined his friends and noticed that all of them looked pretty happy ''is there an occasion? are you going somewhere?'' he asked

''no Gray, were gonna go hiking!'' Erza replied

''Hiking?'' Gray asked, ''why so sudden?''

''we just felt like it!'' said Lucy

Gray was trying to figure out why they wanna go hiking so suddenly, surely if they wanted to do something they would have talked about it the day before, but he doesn't seem to remember his friends talking about going hiking, ''do you wanna come with us?'' Happy asked, Gray shook his head ''no thanks..i think i promised Juvia last week that i was gonna go to a water park with her today'' he replied, he noticed Natsu's face and saw that the excited look on his face was gone, ''awh, thats a bummer'' Natsu said, Gray was starting to feel bad for some reason, but he couldn't break the promise he had with Juvia.

Two hours later, Natsu and the rest were finished packing

''well! see you later Gray, have fun with Juvia!'' Erza said before walking out the door, Lucy, Wendy, Natsu and Happy waved good bye to Gray, the ravenette smiled and waved back until the door shut in-front of him, 'haaaa, i guess i should go get ready to meet up with Juvia' he thought.

After getting ready, Gray asked Juvia if it was ok for him to go over to her house, Juvia said yes excitedly ofc.

When Gray arrived at Juvia's place, the blue haired girl was already outside with her bag

''Gray-sama!" Juvia said excitedly while running towards Gray, arms open and ready to hug the ravenette, Gray stopped on his tracks and waited for Juvia to hug him, once she did, he hugged back, ''hey ready to go?'' he asked, ''yes! Juvia is ready!'' the girl replied, ''ok then lets get going!''

Gray and Juvia were still in the car and Gray was getting pretty bored, he expected Juvia to fangirl about him, but instead she kept silent the whole ride, Gray was confused and somewhat worried, it felt really awkward so Gray was the first one to break the silence, ''Juvia?'' Juvia looked at Gray with a warm smile on her face, ''yes Gray-sama?'' she asked, ''are you ok? you've been pretty quiet the whole ride'' the ravenette asked, ''of course im okay!'' the girl replied ''im just thinking, thats all'' Gray felt relieved, but what was Juvia thinking about? is it ok to ask her?, eh whatever ''oh okay, just don't think too much, or stress yourself too much....'' was all Gray said, Juvia giggled at this ''okay Gray-sama''

With Natsu and the others

''Natsu!, slow down!'' Lucy shouted ''you might trip and fall!''

''don't worry Luce! i wont trip or fall! you should worry about Wendy instead!'' he laughed

''hey! im not that clums-'' before Wendy could finish her sentence she tripped and fell

''Wendyyy! i told you to be more careful!'' Carla shouted

Wendy stood up and brushed the dirt off of her clothes and knees, ''im sorry....i'll be more careful next time'' Wendy said with a frown

Erza laughed and kneeled down, ''do u want me to carry you Wendy?'' she asked

Wendy felt flustered, ''o-oh... no thank you, im okay! thank you for offe-'' but before she could finish her sentence Erza gave her a piggy back ride, ''hold on tight Wendy'' the scarlet haired girl said with a smile, Wendy nodded.

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