To the Mall!

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Btw this book may contain some swear words and stuff🫦

Gray suddenly woke up and sat up his bed 'so it was all a dream...' he thought.
Gray looked at his side and saw Natsu, peacefully sleeping right beside him, his mouth was slightly opened but there was no drool, Gray smiled because the pinkette looked really cute in his sleep, well its not like he isn't cute when he's awake...

"mmmhh" Natsu mumbled in his sleep, then Natsu hugged Gray's hip unconsciously, Gray was shocked but he didn't move cause he didn't wanna wake Natsu up, Gray looked around and saw Lucy, Wendy and Erza sleeping together, he was glad that they didn't actually go on an adventure, Gray carefully got out of bed trying not to wake Natsu, then he walked out of the room and into the kitchen, the ravenette planned to make breakfast for his friends, he's going to make garlic rice with bacon and eggs, and maybe some fresh orange juice.

after another hour Natsu finally woke up, he yawned and stretched his arms, he looked around and saw Lucy, Erza and Wendy, still sleeping, he looked beside him but Gray was nowhere to be found, tho he could smell something good from outside the room, the pinkette got out of bed and slowly walked towards the door, he closed the door shut gently of course so he wouldn't wake up Lucy and the others, he walked towards the kitchen, still sleepy and there he saw Gray making some juice, "Good Morning Gray!" Natsu exclaimed, Gray got shocked because the boy didn't make any noise so he thought he was still alone, "Good Morning Natsu, geez you didn't have to scare me like that! i nearly spilled some juice!" Natsu chuckled and rubbed the back of his head "okay, im sorry"

it was surprising that Natsu wasn't his usual energetic self who always looked for fights, but Gray didn't really mind that, he was pretty happy that Natsu was acting soft towards him this morning...
"Gray?" Natsu asked,  "yes Natsu?" he replied, the pinkette examined his face "uhm..its nothing, nevermind.." then Natsu walked over to the cabinet to get and place some plates, mugs, spoons and forks on the dining table 'was he gonna ask me something? why didn't he ask? did i do something wrong?' was all the ravenette could think of, Gray snapped out of his thoughts when he heard footsteps coming, "Good Morning everyone!" Wendy said with her usual friendly smile, "Good Morning Wendy!" Gray and Natsu said in unison, "oohh! Happy! your finally awake! did u have fun sleeping with Carla?" Natsu teased then smirked, Happy's face was starting to get red, Natsu just laughed at this, Lucy walked in the room while rubbing her eyes "Good Morning everyone..." she said, still sleepy, "why are you still so sleepy luce? did you and Erza do something to keep you up?" Natsu teased, Lucy's face started to turn pink-ish, "Natsu! stop it!" said Erza trying to hold back her smile, Natsu pouted and Gray saw this 'how cute' he thought, once everyone sat at the dining table Gray placed the bacon and eggs on the table then asked if they also wanted some orange juice, after eating Erza volunteered to clean the dishes and its not surprising that everyone was ok with it, "so, does any of you wanna go somewhere today?" Lucy asked, "hmmm...i was thinking we could maybe go to the mall!" Wendy replied, "oh the mall? sure we can go there! but what made you wanna go?" Wendy started to blush and Lucy noticed this, "oohhh! is it what i think it is?" she smirked, Wendy was getting pretty embarrassed and covered her face with her hands, everyone laughed, "alright then, were gonna go to the mall today!" said Erza, "alright i'll go take a shower!" Lucy replied as she stood up from the chair and walked towards the bathroom, "i-i'm gonna go back to the bedroom we were sleeping in and uhm..f-fix my things!" Wendy said, still slightly blushing, Erza just finished washing the dishes so she told Natsu and Gray that she'll be showering in the other bathroom, so Gray and Natsu was left alone, together.

it was pretty silent since neither of the two talked, all they did was look at each other then looked away 'this is pretty awkward..' Natsu thought 'maybe i should start a conversation' after thinking of what they should talk about Natsu finally broke the silence, "so..Gray" this made the ravenette look at him, "hm?" was heard from the boy, "do you wanna go to the arcade in the mall later? lets see who can earn the more tickets!" Gray chuckled 'looks like he's back in his competitive self' he thought "sure, loser has to buy a dress and wear it until we get back home!" replied Gray, both of the boys chuckled then agreed, "what will the winner get tho?...i mean, i'd like to know what i'll be getting!" Natsu said confidently, Gray playfully rolled his eyes and then started thinking on what the winner should get, " about the loser has to wear a dress and buy the winner ice cream?" he suggested, Natsu was more fired up now "hell yeah!"

After all of them got ready they hopped into Erza's van, with Erza as the driver of course, "hey Erza, could i put some music?" Lucy asked "sure" was Erza's reply, Lucy was sitting beside the driver's seat, Wendy was sitting alone with Carla and Happy in the second row while Gray and Natsu sat beside each other in the third row, the ride was pretty quiet and all they can hear was the vehicles outside and the music, after a few more minutes Erza broke the silence "were here!" she said "finally!" Natsu replied, "alright lets go down!" Erza looked at the back "wait Natsu! i still have to park dumbass!"

Once they went in the mall Erza told them that they could split up and just meet each other in-front of
the exit, Wendy, Erza, Lucy, Happy and Carla went together while Gray and Natsu made their way to the arcade, "here we are" said Gray, "hell yeah! im fired up now!" Natsu said running inside the arcade, "Natsu wait up!" shouted Gray while running after Natsu, while they were running the pinkette accidentally bumped into someone, "ack!" Natsu exclaimed, "Natsu! i told you to wait!" Gray helped Natsu up while Natsu rubbed his ass "im so sorry for bumping into yo-." before he could finish his sentence he saw that the person he bumped into was Elia, Elia is Natsu's ex girlfriend, Natsu frowned and looked down "ohh~ Natsu! so its you, what brings you here?" the girl asked "Elia..." the pinkette said under his breath, Gray looker closer at the woman and saw that the girl was indeed Elia, 'ugh, this bitch' he thought "why are you asking? mind your own business" Gray said coldly as he held Natsu's hand and dragged him into the arcade, "how rude of you, Gray" the ravenette rolled his eyes and continued walking, "hey babe! who was that?" asked a boy, "oh nothing baby, just some bitch and an idiot i dated before" Elia replied, Gray heard this since he and Natsu wasn't so far away from them yet, he got mad not because Elia called him a bitch but because she called Natsu an idiot, surely Gray calls the pinkette an idiot sometimes but he doesn't like hearing other people call him that, Gray stopped walking and had a scary mad look on his face, Natsu looked at the ravenette "Gray? are you okay?" he asked "Natsu, wait for me here" Gray then let go of Natsu's hand and walked towards Elia and her boyfriend, "oh? Gray! do you need anything?" Elia asked, Gray didn't say anything and then punched the girl "Ahh!" she shouted, while her boyfriend caught her before she can fall, "what the hell man! whats wrong with you!?" he asked "nothing is wrong with me but everything is wrong with your stupid girlfriend!" Gray shouted back, Elia's boyfriend, Wilson, got angry at what Gray said then punched the ravenette, Natsu saw this and ran towards Gray, "stop! whats this all about!" he asked helping Gray up, "this bitch's girlfriend called you an idiot! only i can call you that!" Natsu was kinda touched at what Gray said but then he looked at Elia, he glared at Elia, the girl felt chills down her spine at the look her ex boyfriend was giving him, she scoffed then told her boyfriend to leave them alone because they 'weren't worth their time', "Gray! are you okay? why the hell did you do that!" Natsu asked worriedly as he wiped some blood out of Gray's face "did he punch you that hard for you to bleed?" Natsu joked, Gray rolled his eyes but then chuckled, "whats so funny Gray? your hurt! this is no time to laugh!" Natsu shouted "ok ok! im sorry, i just love how your so worried about me" Gray replied, Natsu started to blush then stepped away from Gray "i-im not! ugh! lets just go!" Natsu then stomped his way out of the arcade, Gray trailed behind him "you don't wanna play? how about the challenge?" he asked, Natsu stopped walking and turned to look at Gray "i don't feel like playing anymore, lets just go get ice cream, i'll pay" Gray smiled cause Natsu just looked so damn cute "you sure you'll pay?" he jokingly asked "hmmm...well are you willing to pay instead?" Natsu asked, then laughed, 'ughhh why does he have to look so damn adorable!' Gray thought to himself.

Gray and Natsu arrived at the ice cream shop, Gray ended up paying for it, when Gray came back holding two ice creams Natsu grinned and had an evil look on his face, Gray stopped walking towards the pinkette "c'mon! bring it here!" Natsu shouted, Gray thought of it for a second but then gave Natsu his ice cream, just when Gray was about to lick his ice cream Natsu suddenly took a HUGE bite from it, "Natsu!" Gray shouted, Natsu started laughing but suddenly got a brain freeze, "AACKKK BRAIN FREEZE" shouted Natsu, Gray started laughing "HAHAHAHA THATS WHAT YOU GET!" and then his ice cream fell on the ground... "BAHAHAHHA THATS KARMA FOR YOU GRAY" Natsu shouted, Gray smirked then licked Natsu's ice cream, he expected Natsu to be angry but instead the pinkette licked the exact same spot of where Gray licked the ice cream, the. Natsu looked at Gray with a smirk, Gray was shocked and was starting to blush hard "HAHAHA YOUR FACE COULD RIVAL ERZA'S HAIR" Natsu shouted "s-stop it!" Gray said covering his face, Lucy saw Natsu and Gray so she ran towards them, Erza and Wendy did too, "Hey guys! did you have fun?" Lucy asked "well we didn't have such a good time earlier since Gray got punched, but were happy now!" Natsu replied while smiling "GRAY GOT WHAT?! WHAT HAPPENED?" Lucy shouted "SHHH! Lucy! keep it down!" said Erza while covering the blonde's mouth, Wendy just listened to their conversation while laughing, "your gonna have to tell us what happened once were in the car, Gray" said Lucy "haha okay" was Gray's response.

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