Chapter 6 ( comfort)

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We heard a crash in the kitchen and quickly went to the kitchen to see Cora on the floor.

"Cora" I screamed running up to him.

Law just started to laugh.

Cora immediately sat up.

We patted up to him. He started petting us. "I didn't mean to scare you"  he said.

"It's alright" I said to him.

"I have to get going" Cora said getting up and heading out the door.

When the door shut I saw law come up to me. "Hay luffy it's been a month" he said sitting beside me.

"Hu" I looked up at him.

"Nothing come on let's go back to bed"



It's been almost 4 weeks since we made that bet. I have learned from this month the kit is stubborn.

I can see he is enjoying it here even though he'll denie it. He gotten used to how things work around here.

I was snapped out of my Thots; I felt something shaking by me. I tilt my head and see luffy growling and moving around.

"Luffy-ay" I call walking up to him. He did not wake.

I put my paw on him shaking him; and called out to him again. This time he lifted his head. "ACE" he yelled out looking around panic.

He seemed to calmed down remembering were he was.

"Law" he chirped very quietly starring up me.

"Yeah..... You ok" I ask laying nose to nose in front of him.

He put his head down and  mumbles "no".

"did you have a nightmare"

It takes him a second but he nods.

"Do you want to talk about it". I ask putting my head on my paws.

A few minutes past with nothing but silence.

" you... don't tell...m "

"The nightmare was about how I saw my brother Sabo and my mom dying in a fire" he spewed out.

"... Oh" I flaten my ears. "I'm sorry" moving closer to him.

Luffy seemed to be on the verge of crying.

"Th.... Then I saw Ace in the fire and he was swallowed by the fla... flames"

He was full on crying now.

"It's just a dream Luffy-ay from what you told me about your brother...i bet he still out there looking for you" I chirp, my ears perked up.

He smiled up me but stayed silent.

"I know how it feels lost my family in a fire too"

He looked up at me in shock.

"Re...." he said.

"Yes" I said liking him on the head.

He looked up at me like shocked.

"I was all alone and was not much older than you......Then Cora-san found me and I have lived here ever since.....i couldn't thank him enough..if it wasn't for him I would probably be dead by now"

" ever miss them"

"Yes every day" he then said "You have me now too" he peered

After a few minutes "Do you think I'll ever see my brother again" he asked.

Before I could answer he snuggled his body into mine falling to sleep.

I curled my body around luffy. "Yes youll...I'll make sure of it Luffy-ay" Slowly drifted off to sleep.


I been living with the Whitebeards for all most a month now.

From what I've learned here it's actually really nice living here. No one goes hungry.

If someone hurt we have herbs specialist to help from something as simple to a thorn in your paw to kennel cough.

I've gotten to know some of the cats here.

Most of them were either kittens like me when they first joined; or they were one are 2 years old.

Marco is apparently the  second in command here. He's taught me a lot, especially how to hunt and fight.

Where to stay away from if I don't want to get really hurt.

Him and a few others like Teach have been helping me try to find my brother.

"Ace" Marco called out walking up to me.

"Any luck" I ask

He shakes his head.

I sigh and turne around to see Teach walking up to us.


"No.... Look ace do you think maybe he's not on the streets"

"WHAT" I screamed at him.

"It's worth a shot maybe he's turned house cat" Marco joined in.

"No he would never" I say to them.

"How about we ask one of the house cats if they seen them...... There having a meeting tonight why don't we go and see" Marco mewed.

"Ok.. It's worth a shot.... But I can bet he's not going to be there"


We awoke a few house later. Law jumped off the bed and looked at me. "Come on I want to show you something" he mewed walking away, I decided to follow.

He went to an old looking door that I haven't seen before. He opened it and there were old looking stairs on the other side of it.

We then walked up the stairs and made it to a old dusted room. He then moved a big box. There was a hole only big enough for a cat.

He looked at me "ready to maybe find your brother"

"What " I chirped jumping up and down.

"Yes hopefully...but first your going to meet some more cats like us" He mewed.

"So we're going to meet some more house cats" he asked

"Yes and no more than likely your going to be some cats, I know, and then some kittens, your age, it will be their first time there as well" he mewed.

He turned around  and went through the hole I decided to follow.


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