Chapter 13 (Truths)

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I realized Law was talking to long. So I whent out side and I didn't expect to here this,

His fault" Ace perks up. "It's no were near his fault..I tried to forget everything Luffy that night all of it but nothing worked....It was mine I was a dum kit trying to be tough self back then. If I could go back.... If I could go back to that night I wouldn't have yelled at him calling him not my brother I would have been excepting. and then maybe..." Ace trailed off.

"Then maybe what" I ask looking him straight in the eye.

"Then maybe I could have been a good brother to Lu" he says slouching.

My heart purred at my ears pricked at the words.

It's Ace, really my Ace. He still cares for me he doesn't hate me.

"Ace... Is that all true" chirping desperately. Hasn't he walked forward my tail swishing assignment for what you will say.

Aces ears flattened against his  skull, as his whole body relaxed.

"Yah it's all true" he replied. That moment, he looked up and we were almost face to face.

His eyes grow wide with terror,
Whole body tensing up. Like he saw the monstrous vacuum.

I looked at him curiously, was he scared of me. "Ace" I  mewed questioningly.

He seemed to snap out of his Haze and look at me.

"Ace" I said again, going closer to him. He immediately started backing away.

He bumped into Law. Law  immediately pinned him to the ground.

"Torao what are you doing" I screeched trying to get him off.

"Lu-ay calm down, if I didn't do this, who would be running by now" Law hisst, slashing his tail side to side.

I looked at Law and then back to my brother. I took in a deep breath.

Laying muzzles to muzzle of my pinned brother, I started to speak.

"Ace... No brother it's so good to say that. I thought you were mad at me."

His ears twitched, forwarding so I continued.

"I missed you so much, you don't know how much I wanted to see you again, I thought you hated me because the last time we met you said, how wasn't  your brother" finished feeling little teardrops in my eyes.

Law let Ace go.

Ace came to my side. Putting his bigger muzzle on top of my head.

"Lu I.. I missed you so much" Ace purred softly.

"I missed you too Ace" I purred back starting to get groomed by Ace.

"Agg stop it" I hisst getting up. Ace  just purred amusement.

Ace then turned his attention to Law. " thank you for taking care of my little brother for me" Ace said calmly.

Law  nodded. "I'm going inside, Luffy-ay and you have a lot of catching up to do" Law said going into the house.

Me and Law were left there alone is wired silence.

"So.. " Ace started " what's it like to be a house cat" Ace asked having his full attention on Luffy.

My eyes  beamed with excitement and, I jumped my paws. "I will tell you all about it, if you show me were the grate Fire Claw Ace lives" I mewed out jumping up and down.

Ace started running. " if you want to know where I live, you better keep up" calling back to me"

I chased after him able to keep pace. "you're not as fast as Nami" I purred getting ahead of my big brother.

"Who's Nami" He asked keeping  pace with me.

"Shishishi" I laughed. "Maybe let's not start with a Nami let's do it the beginning of all my adventures"

"Oh and what's your first adventure" he said getting ahead of me.

I smiled catching up to him "it  when these men and green coats And threw me in a cage".


" Then Luffy started to tell  his first adventure  that's all for tonight alright." I purred resting on my paws.

"No, uncle Zoro what happens next" a young brown and white kitten cries.

"I'm sorry but it's bed time for the both of you we can finish tomorrow" I said licking my pelt.

Some other of the kittens seemed very disappointed as well.

"what happens next" a young   tartar shell cat said.

I just smile at the small young Vivi and Chopper.

"Well..." I flick my tail and a little annoyance.

"WELL WHAT" they both scream.

"Shhh... Alright, alright, just calm down, I'll tell you, but you have to go to bed after this" Zoro says right as Sanji walked in.

Sanji glared a little bit at Zoro.

The two kits ears flattened and sorrow. "What" Sanji asked looking at Zoro.

"it's just Zoro was going to finish the story?" Chopper mewed.

Sanji's tail flicked in annoyance.

"I know, I know, but they kept asking for it, and there's just one last part and it's the most exciting" Zoro add the last part.

"Please uncle Sanji" both kittens cried. Sanji sighs in defeat.

"Fine then off to bed four both of you" Sanji says about to walk out.

"Wait Sanji" Zoro said rising to his paws.

Sanji turns and faces Zoro flattening his ears.

"Stay it's fine once in a while to hear a bed time story, don't you think, especially when it has both of us in it" Zoro purred wrapping his tail around his legs.

Sanji just purred in  amusement and came and laid down by the kits.

" come on, storyteller, aren't you gonna finish it" Sanji says sarcastically.

Zoro just flicks his tail in  annoyance. " I am, as I was saying Ace and Luffy  just started to head to the Whitebeard camp....


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