step one: past

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I was walking down the same village that once holded my memories that now seemed so blurry and non-existent… It didn't even pass that much time after all, Or did it? What was the last time I knew the exact date? After being locked up my entire life and seeing how I mostly am going around this village I recall familiar in some way I guess I never had the perception of time.

As I finally saw the end of the village I stopped and felt guilt built upon me for how much I was leaving behind right at this moment of desperation.

I don't even know why I come back here every time I feel down, this place reminded me to not trust anyone ever again.

After walking out the village I immediately went back to the little cave I usually stayed at during the night as most times I prefer avoiding mobs or even fighting… After all I don't know how to control myself at the point I will look like a fucking psycho rather then a child well teen now, with trust issues that saw violance as the only way the world comunicated with eatchother.

I felt tired of my own mind and throat so I stopped thinking and layed down on the cold floor once more and stayed there till I managed to finally fall asleep, to my surprise when I will open my eyes again it would be because of a kick in the stomach.


272 words

Ps: I try my best to do longer chapters but I am new to writing so pls be kind

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