184. Macaroon Helping Hand 📚👿👼

12 3 10

12th March, 2022, Saturday,
Political Science exam....

Margarita: *whispers* Which set?

My bottle: *THUD* *falls, making a loud noise in the silent exam hall*

Margarita: 😲😲😲

Me: *picks it up* *shows peace sign* ✌

Her: *turns to Macaroon* which set?

Me: *reads the second question* What is the role of state in Apple link freedom of it's citizens? The fuck?

My bottle: *falls down again* *THUD*

Margarita: 😲😲😲💔

Me thinking she had set-2 like me: *whispers* What is Apple link????(it was a typo in the question paper)

Her: *gives me a strange look and turns towards Macaroon* *whispers*

Macaroon: *whispers something back to her*

Margarita: *whispers*

Macaroon: *whispers* *whispers*

Margarita: *whispers* *whispers* *whispers*

Macaroon: *whispers* *whispers* *whispers* *whispers*

Inner me: They are probably cheating ಥ_ಥ at least Margarita is...from Macaroon. They are surely gonna top.

* * * * *


Macaroon: *tops yet again*

Toast Biscooot to my mom: The results are bad.

Me: *passed* *got half marks in Pol. Sc.* ಥ_ಥ

Toast Biscooot to Margarita's dad: Your Daughter has failed in a couple of subjects.

Me: Wait, what?( ಠ ͜ʖಠ)

* * * * *

Me: *dreams*

Macaroon: *winks at me*

Me: Ohhhh now I see!!! ✌✌👻👻 Good job Macaroon!! 💀👍👏👏👏👏

But wait....you didn't help me either!

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