190. Styling His Hair💇💇✨

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Dip It In A White Sauce: *has a new hair cut but can't help but to slick it back* Ughh my hair

Raspberry: Lemme style you

White Sauce Pasta: No wayyy

Raspberry: *does it anyway*

Margarita: Looks cool

White Sauce: I don't believe you *walks to me* do you have a phone?

Me: Yeah *opens the camera*

Him: *switches off the screen* This would be enough

Me: At least cut the app!!

Him: *ignores and fixes his hair* *worsens it* ughhh

Me: How do you want to style it?

Him: Like Darshan Raval

Me: Ohhhhh *chuckles*

Him: *chuckles* *ruins it even more*

Me: Raspberry styled them so good


Raspberry: *glares* *walks to him*

Margarita to someone else: That hair looked like Jimin's

Me to Raspberry: Ohhhhhhh Raspberry! Make his hair like Jimin!! No, no, Jungkook!!

Him: *glares at me*

Me: 😯😯😯

Him: Gimme the mirror (referring to my phone)

Me: *opens my geometry box and picks out an actual mirror*

Him: WTFFF😂😂😂😂😂

Me: Hehe😆😆😆 it's from my compact powder lololol😆😆

Him: I can tell that lol

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