4- "sleepover"

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When Eris woke up the next day she grabbed her phone to scroll through her social medias like she does every morning. After scrolling through instagram she opened twitter and saw that 'rainyinnit' was trending, she assumed it was from yesterdays stream which it kind of was but it was mostly about a tweet that Tommy made last night after she fell asleep.


i know rain doesn't care and will probably be pissed i wrote this but i still feel the need to say something because even if it doesn't get to her it's getting to me

eris is one of my best friends and it sucks seeing how much people on twitter hate her for no reason we have been friends for nearly two years and people still assume she's "using me" for clout even though we blew up at the same time. there's literally no reason for people to hate her as much as they do and it's fucked up seeing people try to come up with reasons to not like her. if you are sending her any hate just know that you are no true fan of mine
say it louder for the people in the back
nothing but facts
tommy protective boyfriend arc 🤭
the day someone cares about me as much as tommy cares about rain is the day i die
they're literally perfect for each other ☹️ /pos
we're just trying to protect you from her🥺 i can tell she's not a good person we just don't want you to get hurt☹️
mf did u not read the tweet 💀 shut yo bitch ass up

Eris sighed after reading the tweet and a few replies. Even though she told Tommy not to worry about it, it does make her a little bit happy that he cares enough to do this. She decided to text Tommy to tell him off/ thank him.


first of all
you're nothing but a trashy hoe

yeah i saw this coming

second of all
your- you suck dick

are you done yet?

third of all
you're not a boss ass bitch
you're a boss ass trashy hoe

okay im done now
i told you it was fine tho why'd you have to tweet that😑

i know i know but i just really felt the need to say
like i know you don't really care but i do and it
sucks how much hate you get for no reason


what? fr?

i know i don't care but its really nice to know that you care that much
so thank you xx

of course i care dummy
your welcome tho i know im pretty awesome

fuck you im never being nice again

i know you care about me too eri ☺️



After that Eris turned off her phone and finally got out of bed. She always had quite a hard time showing any sort of real emotion so she normally just used comedy as a way to get out of it, but Tommy understood what she really meant and he appreciated her for even going as far to say it, even if she did go back to her normal self right after.

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