Chapter 8: Your lies led to this

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~Meet Me Under The Stars~

~Chapter 8~

~Desiree's P.O.V~

I woke the next morning as something had crashed downstairs. I sat up slowly and grabbed my lamp and opened my door slowly so it didn't make any noise. I glanced back into my room and saw it was only five am. Lovely

When I reached stairs there was shuffling in the kitchen. Slowly I made my way down and stopped beside the kitten door

Okay Desiree, now is the time!

"Ahhhh!" I screamed as I jumped into the kitchen ready to hit who ever or what ever was in my way. But only stopped to see Austin, Tino, Phil and Sam with cookies sticking out of their mouths "what the hell?!" I said lowering the lamp to my side

"We got hungry" Tino said taking the cookie out his mouth

"How much noise do you have to make for getting cookies?!" I asked while crossing my arms

Sam smiled "sorry, did we wake you"

"Well am I sleeping?!" I snapped at him. I rolled my eyes and I turned and walked out. I felt a pair of eyes burning on my back so I quickened my walk so I didn't have to face who ever that may be. When I got to my room I couldn't be bothered going back to sleep so I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans and my long sleeved Fearless Vampire Killers top

I looked at my hair and noticed the purple really needed to be done.

I walked down stairs to see the guys making a proper breakfast. I tried speed walking to the basement door to sneak down there when Alan walked in

"Hey Dez!" he hugged me, Alan go eat. I need to get something just take your Ginger butt and go with the others.

"I'm gonna go see Sam" he walked past and I sighed

When I snuck down stairs I walked to my paintings. Sam hated me down here, he said I always got so upset down here. But this is the only place I can feel sad without anyone knowing

I saw a picture of Mom, Dad, Sam and I. We were all smiling man I really missed them

I walked over to my box and found the purple hair dye. I can dye it if the guys go out so it saves me time answering pointless things like

Is it itchy

Does if Hurt

Oh Alan always asked 'does it make your eyebrows change colour'

I was about to leave when I saw a box of home videos, I was looking for these. Sam said he had thrown them out

I grabbed to box and out the disk into a DVD player and pressed play

Sam and I were running in the back yard in the film "kids, kids relax before one of you fall, i don't want to go to the hospital today" Dad called at us

"Vinny, relax. They're just excited its summer" my mother said as she set the food on the table for Sam and I

I switched the video off and turned to see Sam there "I thought I said never to come down here!" he practically yelled

"Why did you hide the videos from me?!" I felt anger rushing through me but I didn't want to lash out

Sam sighed "because they weren't good people! They weren't-"

"Sam hiding this isn't fair! They're not only your goddam parents! I knew them for three years you knew them for five years longer!" I almost screamed "Sam do you know how confused I was!? No one would tell me what actually happened! I still don't know!" this time I did yell the ending

Meet Me Under The Stars (Austin Carlile/ Of mice & men)Where stories live. Discover now