Chapter 13: How can this be hate when you say that?

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~Meet Me under The Stars~

~Chapter 13~

~Desiree's P.O.V~

It has been about six hours since I got home. According to Sam I'm on bed arrest. Meaning he's calling my boss telling her what has happened and he wont let me leave my room, I've been on bed arrest when I was 14, and working at that shop I still work at.

Sam walked down and gave me new sheets and blankets and stuff for my bed as my bed had blood all over the sheets and that. "have no idea how I'm going to get the blood our but I'm sure Gran can get it out, she did the last time" Sam muttered while walking up the stairs. The door shut and I made my bed then slumping down onto it.

"She's downstairs" I heard Sam say. Great someone doesn't sound too happy, I shut my eyes tightly and felt the bed slump in beside me, I opened my eyes to see Alan sitting beside me focused on a picture I had up

"Why, why did you do that? Dez, what triggered you?" Alan asked in a worriedly cousin way

I rolled my eyes and sighed "why must you care" I asked him, he glared at me, "nothing that you should care of" I hissed at him while getting up as my mobile started ringing. "Hello?" I asked

"Hey!" his voice sounded

"Hey baby" I smirked, within the months Austin said that about me, I went back to Tyler, I went back to the pain. The pain is what I wanted right now as the man I loved wanted me out of his life, and with that. I granted his wish. "No I can't come over today, I know I'm sorry, oh.... Okay well um have fun" now he was admitting me when I didn't come over he would get sluts to come over and he would fuck them

Alan looked at me "who are you dating now?" he asked

"Tyler" I said putting my phone down

"What?!" he said in a whisper yell as he shot up "Desiree are you out of your fucking mind, I swear to fucking god you lost it!" he growled at me

"Fuck off, Ashby!" I growled at him "just fuck off!" I yelled

He crossed his arms "Desiree, you need to move on! And I guess you can start when Austin watches you in five minutes!"

"What?!" I gasped

"Well, Lydia, Jordan, Sam and I are going bowling; we can't leave you alone so we decided to get Austin to watch you. Honestly Dez I leave or a few years and come back to this” he sighed out

I put my hands on my hips “welcome to hell!” I shouted, he rolled his eyes and walked out.

I heard him talking to someone outside my door “yeah Austin she’s down there. No she isn’t nice right now. She needs to get in the shower tonight so make sure that happens.... No after the state that happened she isn’t aloud in the bath, yeah we will most likely crash at mine tonight, also she needs to eat. And she has nightmares so make sure she is okay every once in a while” Alan said “how I know all this? Um Sam told me to tell you” great lie Alan. “Have fun, don’t die and make sure she doesn’t die either” Alan chuckled, I got pissed off and threw my bottle at the stair case watching it fall

Yes I was beyond pissed; I would tell them, but why would I when they knew I wasn’t ready to even talk. It was like when I was little and when my dad drank that much I went mute

Flash back

“Desiree Jones! You’re no child of mine!” he slurred through being drunk, my mother was on the same verge as him, Sammy was at school and Granny was in the kitchen with us.

“Juice!” I giggled while bouncing, Dad slapped me and I had pain surge through me making me start to cry, I was scared. I ran to my room and crawled under the bed, I hugged the teddy bear Lan had got me, he won it at a fair we went to then we all went on the bouncy castle and he pretended to be a pirate, him and Sammy are my best friends.

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