The delivery boy

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I walked happily behind this new lady who I have now decided to haunt,watching her walk like an old lady into the kitchen.

"I don't like your best friend." I sighed watching her get all giddy and happy over 𝑚𝑦 new mark.
"your hairs so pretty!" Luna smiled.

"yOur hAirS sO preEtyY" I mocked,shooting dirty looks into her like daggers.

Luna yelped sheepishly.
"What's wrong?" I looked at her concerned.
"I just got a sharp pain in my head."
She sighed heavily.

"migraines?"I asked,patting her thigh sympathetically as I sat up to grab my phone.

"No,none.not recently anyway."
"Hm.weird." I mumbled, now ordering pizza.

"I hope she doesn't stay the night."
August hissed.
there must be some sort of way I can drive her out of here.

"you want vegan cheese?"I asked Luna,tapping lazily on my phone.

"Obvi! Vegan is the new way to live" she laughed,even though she was completely serious and wouldn't even LOOK at a cooked chicken.

"So..yuck!" I mimicked her,adding meatballs to my pizza.

"So she's a feminist vegan who dresses like a fairy and probably has 6 cats? Noted."
August smiled cunningly.
He was up to something,and it definitely wasn't something good.

The food arrived a little while later with a heavy knock on the door.

"Coming!!" I shouted,speed-walking to the door.

And it must have been my lucky day because that delivery boy was CUTE.

"Two pizzas,a bottle of sprite and two desserts?" He smiled,accidentally locking eye contact.
"Yes,thank you." I replied,taking the food from him.

"See you around?"
"Yeah,see ya."

as I went to shut the door I heard a high pitched yelp.

the delivery boy had tripped over..nothing?

" asshole"
August laughed,sitting next to the now crying delivery boy.

"It's only a little scrape,he's just being dramatic."
August said,forgetting he's a ghost for a moment.

"I stood there,watching him cry like a child over a small..scrape?"

"He's a child" I thought

"He's childish." August laughed.
He found this absolutely hilarious.

"Even I wouldn't cry over a scrape,it's not that deep."He dissed the boy,knowing he was the one who tripped him up.

I handed him a plaster,that was sitting conveniently in my back pocket.

"You know how to put on a plaster?"
I said jokingly.

"No,can you-"

"Have a good night."
I cut him off,walking back inside.

"score!" August laughed.
your gonna be mine soon enough.

Now that we've got that little hurdle out the way,the only thing left is how I'm going to introduce myself. I just hope you like the colour 𝑟𝑒𝑑,darling.

The haunting :a slightly concerning,love story Where stories live. Discover now