Meet The Crew!

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The lights were always too bright at first in Lillian's dorm room. You can thank that fact to Lily who decided to get everyone on the floor up an hour before classes started.

The only ones ever fated to get away with sleeping in at this point were Kai and Madison, somehow not even Lily could wake them if they wished. That's why they shared a room to themselves.

We should probably start at the beginning though, right? Eh, you can meet everyone as they get up. Imagine some cool shots like at the beginning of action movies with the names displayed under them doing cool poses.

We got Lily! Designated Mom friend who will stab a bitch if wanted! Has some questionable choices in men but makes up for it with her choice of women. She's currently getting dressed in her and Hannah's room before embarking on getting Chalsie up.

Sliding into the kitchen we got Samson! Is he making food? Nope, he's just grabbing his lunch and going back to his room because he has a sense of self-preservation to not be here for the next part!

Piling into The Area 'tm' Big Bathroom, we have Hannah, Griffin, and Cassidy! This group always needs the bathroom early in the day. Hannah is screaming enough to burst an eardrum, Griffin is close to scratching their way through- and Cassidy wins! Teleporting is a good power when in a race for the bathroom.

Lillian gets up next and takes a seat on a bean bag as they wait for a hot pocket to heat up. Spending her time on TikTok and not being productive seems good enough to her. Her bag is packed soon after and she just watches the chaos unfold.

Aleks is up and had her bag packed last night she's just making herself breakfast and placing some grab-n-go snacks for the late wakers. Getting her book from her room, she joins Lillian on a beanbag to read even though she will realize she hasn't been actually reading any of the words and will have to start the page over again.

Jordyn and Jamie come out of their room looking for their respective things, Jordyn is missing her homework from last night and Jamie is missing her will to live. They eventually find the homework, but with how fast they were moving we can't tell how much they had to slow down time...

Chalsie gets up as Lily willed her awake with the promise of pizza for breakfast. Here and groggy she slowly wakes as the time of 6:45 nears. Getting help from some others she's ready to go in time.

The last two to wake, Kai and Madison, get to The Area (tm) at 7 sharp! With 5 minutes until they need to leave Madison gains consciousness halfway through and rushes to grab a snack Aleks left for them and gets out at 7:15. Kai decides that leaving at 7:30 is good and decided to try and look for her own will to live. Maybe it'll be with Jamie's. Or her backpack, where is that too now?

Now I get what you're thinking. How in fuck did any adult let these kids room on a floor by themselves, together? Well, they didn't have a choice as to when the light fades in, a scene is set whether they want it or not. 

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