Dorm pt.1

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This is the form layout

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This is the form layout. Ignore the fact i had to draw in some stuff since the paper was too crinkled.
——— On to the story!

Door Rules List

People allowed to cook:
Lillian (Microwave supervision)
Griffin (With supervision)
Lily (must have another person in the dorm)

People allowed only to bake:

People not allowed in the kitchen:
Jordyn. Will set water on fire.
Cassidy. Will teleport at the toaster dinging.
Chalsie. Stop trying to eat straight sugar.

Basic Rules:

-No fighting in the dorm.

-Yes if you started it you'll be in more trouble.

-Keep your powers secret from other people.

-Preferred if you have some clothing on outside of dorms, just don't let bits hang out.

-No you cannot sit on top of the fridge or cabinets.

-No experiments inside The Area (tm), only kitchen sink.

-If you clog the sink you clean it. No you cannot just call someone to do it for you.

-Kai please do not set fire to anything. If you need to use fire, use a candle.

-Jordyn is not longer allowed any candles. 

-If you are using scented anything please let others know, we don't need Hannah sneezing and breaking all our glass cups.

-If you invite someone to the dorms please tell everyone. Jamie. Some of us need warnings.

-Griffin, Hannah, Lillian please use headphone for music after 5pm.

-Aleks please try not to throw the book across the room.

-Lily if you try to hang one more mirror up I swear to god.

-Lillian close the damn cabinet doors after your done.

-Chalsie no you cannot adopt the stray cat.

-Keep gluten and non gluten foods in their respective places!

-If one more person decides that they will be painting the walls a new colour, there will be consequences.

-Do not use nails to hang things up. No you are not trusted to use a hammer Cassidy.

-Jamie you are not allowed any type of wheeled shoes. No you are not a rocket, you are brittle boned.

-Samson I get that you don't want to deal with problems but please don't suffocate under a beanbag.

-That being said, Lily stop trying to suffocate Samson under a beanbag.

-Griffin I know you can't control where the Ghosts are but it would help if you stopped summoning them with a Ouija board.

-Cassidy you're no long allowed to scare Chalsie. We don't need a snap tornado.

- Chalsie you are not allowed to purposely flood the area to get out of a test.

-Jordyn and Jamie your not allowed to make Chalsie flood the areas to get out of a test.

-Aleks I get that you want more reading time but stop asking Jordyn to slow down time for it.

-Griffin don't ask Aleks to make a blackout so you don't have to deal with Bio.

-Lily stop Rumoring people to get out of doing things. Including chores.


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