Class pt.1

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The window in the music room illuminated the class enough that the overhead lights were annoying. But what was Hannah supposed to do about it?

"Everyone please stay calm! Carefully stand up and walk into the hallway! Do Not Touch The Glass!"

I mean... I guess that works. When in doubt, sing until the lights and window break.

Well, I wouldn't say in doubt exactly either, more like losing control of a super-powered voice. And just how you may ask? Well, dear Hannah here happens to be a musical fanatic, in a music class, that's covering The Musical Cinderella, as it's been picked as the March school musical.

Take a shot every time the word music or musical is written. (Water of course 😉)

And when said songs are told to be sung why would Hannah hold back? But enough ranting on the past, we might want to look at the present.

The class is currently in the hallway lined up and will be going down to the nurse's office before they'll sit in the auditorium. The classroom itself is now being locked so no one gets hurt. And one Hannah, standing in line yet so alone in thinking,

'Fuckkk they're gonna be mad'

Now usually Hannah isn't the one who loses control, case and point: yesterday.

Introducing {Redacted} as Jordyn's one true love.

At least in Jordyn's eyes as the rest of the group still says she's blind when it comes to her taste in men. But alas we aren't here to judge bad taste but here to judge what actions of Jordyn's might have been labeled 'Loss of Control'.

Jordyn's affinity for slowing down time has the group always wondering how she never manages to do well on 3 tests in a row. They've definitely had their moments of 1 or maybe 2 tests finishing with B's or higher, but have never gotten to 3 yet.

And as stated above, this here is an example. Taking place in one of Jordyn's classes she has decided that slowing downtime to admire {Redacted} was how she was going to spend her time. Beside's a 40-minute class could be slowed down to let 30 extra minutes pass before Jamie or another of the group would even notice.

That's exactly what happened though. Letting the 40 minutes pass and an additional 25, Jordyn soon realizes that as she's been spaced out staring at {Redacted}, a test has sat at her desk untouched.

Quickly thinking as she only has 5 minutes of slow time left, she'll have to guess every question to get all of them answered. Also hope that no one sees her move extremely fast. After packing everything up she has out the bell rung and she handed her test in.

When the others heard of this, oooo- it wasn't pretty to listen to exactly.

"What do you mean you don't know??" Lillian half yelled

"I was busy answering questions!" Jordyn retorts

"More like busy looking at {Redacted}" Comes from someone in the floor pile

"Please just tell me if you THINK someone saw you,"

"I doubt anyone did, I don't have anyone to talk to in that class."

"Better hope you're right, otherwise we got another whole fiasco to deal with," Lily spoke

"God the beginning of the year was so chaotic," Griffin added

With a deep sigh, Lillian turned to the others "Anyone else wanna speak up about possible mess-ups?"

"I broke all the glass in my music room during class,"

"What the actual fuck Hannah. Nope. Not doing this. Good Night y'all."

The laughter and yelling from the group faded just like the light from closing her eyes. They'll all deal with it another time. 

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