Power Fritz pt.1

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The lights from the window where all that were illuminating the dorm room. Where said powered teens were slowly trickling in from outside.

"But did you have to-"

"YES! The author explained at the beginning of the book that no one could touch the goblet unless they were dead!"

"I don't get it but it got me out of a test so go for it!"

"Jamie you're not helping!"

Cue a very shocked gasp "I'm always helping."

"Ughhh. Aleks, and what about the goblet and being dead caused you to short curcit the entire school grid?"

"The main character drank from it!"

"And? so what the main characters dead then." Griffin sat eating a big katkit (no sue me) without breaking it. Meance.

"NO THEY WEREN'T! Everyone could see them!"

With some sparks flickering off of Aleks, the 'adult friends' tried to gain calm her down again.

Soon after Cassidy, Hannah and Samson returned to the room.

"Ayyy power outage again!" Hannah went straight for sitting on top of Jamie, maybe to suffocate her, maybe not. We won't known.

"You can thank Aleks for that one," Samson had been in the room when it happened, and luckily was the only one who noticed the power box 2 seats behind Aleks start sparking before the outage.

"Not my fault the author can't write a consistent story!"

Cassidy laid on Hannah who was sitting on Jamie. "I never thought Aleks would be the first one of us to get school shut down for the day."

"Yeah I was betting on Kai setting fire to something first." Griffin had finished the katkit and now sat on Cassidy who laid on Hannah who sat on Jamie.

The next group of trouble came in by almost breaking the door off its hinges, Chalsie, Jordyn and Kai.

"Hey I only start mild fires!" The strength enhanced pyromaniac argued. "What the hell is this?" pointing to the pile

"Don't know what you mean"
"We're just sitting"
"And Laying"
"Like pals do."

Jordyn had sat on Griffin who was sitting on Cassidy who was laying on Hannah who sat on Jamie. "Your sight must be going Kai."

Chalsie sat on the counter like a semi-normal human being. "Yall I was gonna fail that test so bad. I litrely was stuck on the first question."

Lillian, sitting on one of the beanbags next to Samson since Aleks went to their room to finish the crazed ghost goblet book, looked at Chalsie. "What subject?"


"You want help studying?"

"Nah I'll just fail it tomorrow."

"I-. Okay."

During this Lily had moved from her seat to sit on Jordyn who sat on Griffin who sat on Cassidy who laid on Hannah who was sitting on Jamie.

The final person of the group to join them in the dorm was Madison, who took one look at the pile at laid down on Lily who sat on Jordyn who sat on Griffin who sat on Cassidy who laid on Hannah who sat on Jamie.


"Yall hear something?"

"Not really"
"Griffin is there a ghost here?"
"Not yet"

"Okay Jamies chocking. and I'm pretty sure Hannah is also suffocating."

"What you gonna do about it?" Some non wise words from Griffin.

"Whats the difference between you guys and the leaning tower of Piza?"

"Its outside?"
"Thats a good one Cass"
"Thanks Jordyn,"

"I mean yeah but I was gonna say the leaning tower doesn't fall when pushed."


"Fuck you!"


"Kai you bitch!"

"Fresh air!"

"Jamie are calling us fat?"


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