Yoongi meets you in a meet and greet and you have a child with you.

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Now, Yoongi loved his fans, he really did. Army was everything to him.
Well, almost everything. His dog was also a big part of his life.
But anyway.
Army was an intrinsic part of who he was and he appreciated every single fan with enough power to light up the city of New York.
But still, after a couple hours of meet and greets and a few hundred faces, the mind starts to wonder and people start to blurr. He would like to say that he remembered every single fan he greeted, but that would not be realistic as he was just one little man with limited storage space in his brain. Sometimes he forgot some, but he liked to believe that the feeling lingered.
But you… Damn, you he wouldn’t forget.
You were probably fan number 7865 of that day and you looked a bit older than the others. You also looked a little bit more like his future wife than the others.
Yoongi liked to believe he was a realistic, down to earth kind of guy. He wasn’t one to get carried away in daydreams and romantic fantasies.
But truly, if the universe decided to drop his soulmate right in front of him, who was he supposed to do? Say no thanks I’m good?
Yoongi was but a speck of dust floating around the cosmos. He was not about to deny the universe anything.
“Hi” he said, ready to start his journey into the rest of his life with you.
His voice cracked.
Great start. Wonderful really. He might stab himself with the pen on the table.
You laughed.
“Hi” you answered and your voice inspired five different songs and one very dirty fanfic in his head.
He was about to say something when a tiny voice said “Up, up” somewhere close.
“Calm down, baby…” you said and Yoongi choked on his spit.
Oh, you were bold, bold and Yoongi liked that…
You were bending down, picking up what seemed to be a small child into your arms.
So Yoongi wasn’t the baby. Cool. He wasn’t disappointed.
“Hi, Suga!” the little boy said. He couldn’t be older than five with a big smile that matched yours.
Now, Yoongi wasn’t particularly baby-crazy. He had interacted with the occasional child before and left both unharmed, which he counted as a win, but the idea of being a dad didn’t spark his heart like it did Namjoon’s.
But looking at you with that tiny boy in your arms certainly did something to him.
Maybe he wasn’t baby, but he still could be dadd…
No, bad brain. Don’t finish that thought. He was too old to be hiding a boner underneath a table.
“Hey, buddy” he said, in his nicest voice “What’s your name?”
“Junsuu! I’m gonna be a rapper like you!” he said, reaching his chubby hand for a high five and Yoongi’s metaphorical uterus skipped a beat.
Oh, that was the appeal of kids. He got it now.
“That’s great! But you got to work hard, ok? I believe in you!” he sounded inspiring right?
Junsuu gave him another million dollar smile before turning to you “Imo, the album!”
Oh, okay. So you were an aunt. Okay. He could be an uncle. Cool Uncle Yoongi. That would work too!
Do cool uncles also changed diapers, he wondered.
You passed a copy of BE to him, with a post-it on top and “Suga sign here please” written in a child-like manner.
“He insisted in writing it himself. He’s your biggest fan” you said,
That was flattering and concerning. Was Yoongi’s content child-friendly? Should he start writing about farmyard animals?
“What about you?” he asked, smooth as sand paper, hair covering his red ears “Are you a fan as well?”
“Wouldn’t say I’m your biggest fan ever, but I do admire you guys a lot. You are very talented.” you answered.
How old is too old to find out you have a praise kink?
“Thank you, I appreciate that.” he pointed at your nephew, who was now sliding to Taehyung next to him and yelling Taebear which almost brought the younger member to tears, softie that he was “He is very cute.”
“He is, isn’t he?” you look at the little boy with such softness that Yoongi almost cooed.
And Yoongi don’t coo.
Yoongi, always the basketball player, decided to shoot his shot “Must have gotten from his aunt”
Nice, he thought. Smooth.
Was that how genetics worked?
You smiled at him and the thoughts about biology definitely slipped from his mind. “Good one. Bet you say that to all the aunts.”
How dare you insinuate he would say that to anyone besides his future wife “You’re the first” he admitted.
“I don’t know if I trust you on that.”
“How can I change that?”
You seemed to consider his question for a second before picking up Junsuu’s little post-it and the pen on the table. You wrote something, then slided back to him, before leaving to follow your nephew who was now trying to climb onto Taehyung’s lap.
Yoongi picked up the paper and found what he assumed was your number written messily on it. And if he squealed, no one heard it.
And if he also kicked Taehyung’s chair when he saw the rascal staring down your blouse when you picked up your nephew, no one saw it.

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