Yoongi asks you out

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Request: "So like... You're open to requests right? What about a chapter 2 of this very beautiful chapter 1?"

This is part 2 of "Yoongi meets you in a meet and greet and you have a child with you". Hope you enjoy it!

Let me know if you have any requests <3

°•. ✿ .•°

Yoongi used to be so great at picking up girls.
Back in the days, back when responsibilities were far and few and eyeliner was plentiful, he could look at a girl and in seconds have her phone number in one pocket and her panties in the other.
But now, after years-long hiatus from his Don Juan career caused by a jam-packed schedule and a (then terminated) contract he read like an app Terms and Conditions (that is to say, he didn’t), Yoongi seemed to have lost his ways. Now he could look at a girl and… Well, she would look at him back. Probably.
How do you call a girl nowadays, Yoongi wondered lying on his bed. Did things change since the last time he did it? Do people still call girls "shawties" or…?
Yoongi groaned, covering his face with his hands in frustration. That was how Taehyung found him a couple minutes later, still groaning.
"What are you doing, hyung?" he asked, eyeing him from the door.
"Contemplating the consequences of my decisions" Yoongi answered, voice muffled.
"Ew, why?"
Yoongi just shrugged, deciding not to answer.
"What's that on your hand?" Taehyung pried, nosy as ever, walking in and taking it before the older boy had the chance to react "Is that a phone number? Who are you calling?"
"Give me that!" Yoongi ripped the paper from Taehyung's sticky fingers, smoothing the creases out "It's just… This girl I met at the last fanmeet."
"Oh man is it the hot Milf with the little boy?"
Yoongi sputtered "How did you… She's not…!"
Taehyung, as usual, interrupted "Yoongi-hyuuuung" he lied down next to other, head on his shoulder "You know you are my favorite hyung right?"
Unimpressed, Yoongi stared at him like he was a piece of gum that got stuck on his shoes.
"The best hyung ever!" Taehyung continued, batting his eyelashes "Say, hyung, best hyung… What are your thoughts on threesomes…"
Yoongi pushed him away, making him roll out of the bed and fall on the ground with a thud.
There were many reasons why Yoongi wouldn't have a threesome with Taehyung, one of them being the fact that he was an absolute brat and would drive Yoongi insane in the bedroom and not in a good way.
The other was that Yoongi was a possessive little rascal, but that wasn’t necessarily related to Taehyung. He would first have Taehyung join the rapline in a Cypher before he shared you.
“Three is a crowd” Yoongi mumbled “Get out of my room”
Taehyung left, groaning as his hand rubbed his sore ass and Yoongi was once again left with his unhelpful spiraling thoughts. Always dichotomous, his mind could be full of worries and concerns, anxious and cacophonous or as empty as Jungkook’s first apartament and just as sparsely decorated.
Right now, his thoughts were slowly picking up volume, getting louder than his braveness, and so he decided to quickly dial up your number before he could give up.
“Helloo?” a child’s voice picked up on the third ring, one he recognized as Junsuu’s.
“Hey, is this Junsuu?” Yoongi asked, making sure. Children kind of all sounded the same to him.
“Yes, it is!”
“Is this your aunt’s phone, Junsuu? Can I talk to her?” did you give him the wrong number on accident, he wondered? Do kids these days have phones this early? At that age, his parents had him playing with an avocado.
“Imo’s in the shower” Junsuu answered and Yoongi heard shifting sounds as if the young boy was moving around “Hold on” hold on? Was he going to bring the phone with you in the shower? Yoongi gripped his cellphone tighter, left eye twitching at the thought of you picking up his calls naked and dripping wet “IMO!” Junsuu screamed, scaring the living hell out of Yoongi that still had the phone close to his (now ringing) ear “There’s a man on the phone for you.”
There was some shifting again, the low humming of a shower in the background before it stopped. He could hear a door opening and muffled voices and then your voice that still haunted his dreams saying “Hello?”
Oh, God. Here goes nothing.
“Hi!” he said in a chipper voice so unlike him “Is this…?”
Hold on.
Did he… Forget to ask…
Your name?
His left eye was probably going to remain twitching for the rest of his life. However long that would be.
It was looking shorter and shorter. He might as well just stab himself with a spork and quit while he was ahead.
Well, sort of ahead. Third place, maybe.
“Yoongi?” you whispered, sounding doubtful “Is this you?”
He gulped “Hi” he repeated “Yeah, that’s me.”
“I thought you would never call” you laughed and for a moment he thought you sounded a bit nervous, a bit shy, just like him.
“Sorry I took so long, I was gathering the courage” he justified, not wanting you to feel like he didn’t want to call you.
“I get it. It must be hard, not knowing who to trust. I could’ve been some kind of crazy sasaeng or a journalist looking to sell you out or something.”
Well, Yoongi actually didn’t consider any of that.
See, this is why his life span was looking shorter every second. One pretty girl and a poorly timed boner was all it took to end him.
“Yoongi?” you called after a few seconds of silence, afraid you scared him away “I’m not going to sell you out. You know that, right?”
He knew that. Sort of.
“Right.” he agreed “And if you are, at least wait after the first date, please.”
“Oh” the laughter was back in your voice, teasing him “There’s going to be a date?”
“I was hoping you would at least humor me with one before you inevitably leaked my nudes.”
See, Yoongi could be funny too. He could tease you right back, 2013 Yoongi style.
“Oh” you repeated, voice lower “There’s going to be nudes?”
Nevermind. He was not funny. Retreat, retreAT.
“I thought those were more of a fourth date kind of thing. I was at least hoping to keep mine save until then”
You just kept going! Let him breathe!
“The-There’s going to be a fo-fourth date?” he managed to choke out, voice strained, mind still stuck on the idea of your nudes.
“That depends on how the first one goes.”
“So… Is that a yes?” Yoongi was pondering if it was appropriate to start a victory dance.
“Yes, I would love to go on a date with you” you said and he wondered what phone company he would have to contact to get the recording of that call “I actually have to get ready to work right now, but you can text me the details, ok?”
“Ok!” he agreed, standing up and doing his little victorious shimmy.
“Oh, and before I forget, I realized I didn’t actually introduce myself when we met. I’m Y/N.”
Yoongi sighed, relieved you saved him from the shame of having to ask you for your name. “Can’t wait for our date, Y/N. I got something great planned!”
It was only after the call was over and he was strutting to the living room, mood high and vibes immaculate, that he realized that he had absolutely nothing planned. Not a single idea in his head for a perfect date.
Vibes ruined, Yoongi started to sweat. He needed suggestions and he needed fast. Who could help him in these trying times?
His eyes fell on his band members, all hanging around in their living room, all single and without plans on a friday night, the longest relationship they had being with their hands and duct-taped-phones.
He was fucked.

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