Namjoon ghosts you and regrets it

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In Namjoon's defense he really didn't mean to come off as an asshole. His intention was in no way to hurt or humiliate you, but really to take the easy way out of this whole situation.

It's not like he could've said no, ok? When you came up to him in the middle of the hallway and bravely asked him out right in front of all his friends, there was no way that he could actually deny your request without making the exchange uncomfortable to all the involved parties.

And so he said yes.

Immediately he regretted agreeing. Not because you weren't attractive, but because he could see that whatever you were looking for was not something he would be able to give. He knew girls like you - all soft sweaters and strawberry body splash, blushed cheeks and romance - had no business getting involved with boys like him. You probably wanted a long term relationship that would end in marriage and 8 kids and Namjoon was at that point in his life where all he wanted was to get through as much of the female student body as he possibly could without getting some sort of disease.

So after scheduling a time and place for your unfortunate date, he did what any sensible man in his position would do: he just didn't show up. Ghosting was the most painless way he could find to reject you and for the sake of both of you, that night instead of picking you up, he played video games with his friends and ate an entire bucket of fried chicken.

And so it ended, no harm done. Surprisingly, after he blew you off there was no text from you, no angry call. Just absolute radio silence. Normally, he would get at least one angry voicemail but from you? Nada.

It's for the best, he told himself the next night, hanging at a club with his buddies and checking his phone periodically. It's great that you forgot about him so easily. He had truly no interest in developing any sort of relationship with you. Actually, you weren't even his type.

"Dude" his friend, Hoseok, called, taking his attention away from his phone where he was checking to see if there was a new message from you (he just wanted to be sure you were alive, really!) "Isn't that the girl you ghosted?"

Namjoon looked up so fast, he got a little dizzy but while all things around him were a little hazy you were still in focus. There you were, a few feet away, not a cardigan in sight, all black silk and swarovski stones, catching and reflecting the light from the mirrorball.

"Damn" Taehyung said, standing next to him "Since you're not gonna use her number, can I have it?"

There was an ugly feeling building in Namjoon's chest, one that he still couldn't name.

Maybe he was just gassy?

"Shit, she's coming our way." Hoseok whispered.

Namjoon froze, not quite knowing what to do. Should he run? Was your silence really just you preparing to kick his ass in person? Should he...


You brushed right past him, not even bothering to look at him. Instead, you were making your way to his youngest friend, Jungkook, who was coming back from the bathroom.

You stopped him on his tracks, Jungkook looking at you with big doe eyes, a little confused. But you smiled and touched his arms and seconds later the young boy was puddy in your hands.

Namjoon looked away. He was feeling gassier than ever.

Jungkook didn't come back to the apartment they all shared that night. Instead he showed up at lunch time, stumbling to the kitchen wearing the same clothes, hair messy and eyes glossed. When he moved, his shirt shifted and allowed all of them to see the numerous hickies that covered his neck, shoulder and collarbones.

Suddenly Namjoon wasn't as hungry.

Taehyung whistled, pulling at the collar of the younger boy's shirt and revealing the full extent of the pinks and purples that covered his skin "Someone got lucky" he said.

Jungkook smiled, goofy and dazed, his reactions slow and delayed "Yeah I did".

"Shit man, she really did a number on you, huh? Are you going to see her again?"

Jungkook shrugged "I want to, but she said she wasn't looking for anything serious"

Namjoon was this close to bending his fork from how strong his grip on it was.

"I guess she's not really a relationship kind of girl" Jungkook finished.

Namjoon's cutlery was a pile of metal scrap on the table, unusable. 

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