Baby Fever

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Jin knew he spoiled you and had absolutely no problem with it.

How could he not give you everything you wanted - nay, deserved - when he had infinite resources and even more infinite love for you. Everyday you showered him with affection and kindness, bringing much needed lightness to his life and if a flower bouquet Lego set or expensive lingerie would bring you a fraction of the joy you brought him, then here, baby, take my card.

And you never even asked for anything outrageous, really, only tiny things that you could share with him - the Lego was something you could build together, the lingerie was really more for him than for you. Jin was happy to oblige and cater to your small whims.

Except for one. And it was driving him insane.

It all started at a company party, thrown for no good reason except for all the leftover alcohol from the last gathering. You were mingling around the room, charming anyone close enough to hear you while Jin hung back playing games on his phones and occasionally looking up lovingly at his social butterfly of a girlfriend that did all the socializing for him, blessed be you. It went on like this for a while until the moment he lost you in the crowd, searching around for your familiar face and finding only acquaintances and the odd idol. He stood up to look for you when suddenly you showed up right behind him, eyes wide with tenderness shining under strobe lights with a little bundle of blankets in your arms.

"Jinnie" you called, voice soft and a little wobbly "look at this"

Approaching you, he finally caught a peek at what was hiding under all that soft fabric, staring down at a little baby with big sleepy eyes, watching his tiny fingers flexing.

"Y/N" he whispered, worriedly "did you steal this baby?"

"Of course not!" you sent an offended look his way "This is Aera's baby! You know, Aera from accounting."

Jin absolutely did not know Aera from accounting, but he nodded anyway, knowing how you got when he didn't remember every single employee from Hybe like you did, not taking in consideration the fact that he could barely remember which member was Jungkook and which one was Taehyung.

"Isn't he cute?" you cooed, holding the small child close to your chest.

"Not cuter than me, but yeah, pretty cute" Jin agreed, poking the baby awkwardly but gently in the tummy, missing the look of adoration you sent his way.

"Jinnie" you called, getting him to look at you "I want a baby"

Had Jin been drinking anything at that moment, it would've come out of his nose. Maybe even his ears. Red in the face, coughing and struggling to breathe, your boyfriend babbled incredulous "Y-you want a what?"

"I want a baby" you repeated calmly as if you had asked for a cup of water.


"No, the dinosaur baby from Ice Age 3. Yes, a human baby, Jin!" you looked down at the little boy in your arms, trying to hide your disappointment "Don't you want... A baby? With me?"

Very few things were able to upset Jin as easily as upsetting you, so he rushed to onsole you, cradling your face in his hands "Of course I do, baby. I want a whole family and future with you. But I want all of that to come at a moment where I don't have to leave you for months at a time and I definitely don't want to raise a baby with the 6 raccoons I live with currently. Do you want our baby's first words to be 'you know BTS'?"

"No more than I want it to be 'Worldwide handsome'"

"That's the baby's name, actually."

"Maybe I don't want a baby with you after all"


After that, you seemed to drop the subject long enough for the whole ordeal to slip out of his mind, remaining silent about your baby fever up until the weeks before he left for tour.

The days leading up to his departure were always filled with bittersweet clinginess from both parts, holding onto each other like a lifeline, dreading the idea of separation. Any free time was spent in Jin's bed, either tangled up or just relaxing while you still could.

On one of those days, you were lying on Jin's chest, scrolling through your phone as he played a game on his, coming across something that made your heart clench painfully in longing.

"Jinnie" you called, getting him to look up from his device "How come you didn't tell there's BT21 baby onesies?"

You turned the screen towards him, displaying the heart warming picture of a baby in a cute, fluffy RJ onesie, making even Jin's metaphorical uterus skip a beat, albeit reluctantly.

"They make so much BT21 merch that I have a hard time keeping up, baby" he justified, running his hand gently through your hair "Did you know they even make condoms? I could get some for us."

He watched over your shoulder as you continued to scroll through the various baby pictures, a small pout on your lips that had always been the source of his unraveling "Love, why the sudden baby fever?" He asked, puzzled.

You shrugged "I don't know. I guess with you leaving for tour I just wanted a part of you with me. To keep me company."

"I can give you a 6 feet cardboard cut-out of me"

As usual you just rolled your eyes at his silliness, closing the tabs on your phone after bookmarking them.

It saddened Jin beyond words having to leave you for so long, especially after knowing how invested you were in your future together. But he still had his obligations and a big part of his love for you stemmed from how understanding you were of that.

So he tried to distract you, spoiling you with all the things you loved: your favorite flowers, favorite food, the rewatching of all your favorite comfort movies. And for a while he thought his attempts were working.

But what actually happened was that instead of letting go of the whole ordeal, you had redirected your motherly instincts to the closest thing you both had to a child.

It started with Jungkook, to Jin's annoyance, the maknae constantly with his head on your lap (Jin's favorite place!) as you fed him and babied him, hanging around both of you until he got shooed away by his aggravated hyung.

Then you got to meet the newest addition to the company and while Jin thought it was cute how quickly you bonded with the members of New Jeans and how much the girls admired you, he had to draw the line at allowing them all to braid his hair at a slumber party. The only one allowed to do that was you and you promised not to tell anyone.

But he never complained, entertaining your endeavors patiently up until he heard one of the trainees calling you a "MILF", his members having to hold him back from busting the young man's front teeth. He left the building fuming, set on putting an end to the whole thing.

Later that day, you were in your own apartment, busying yourself by cooking dinner when your boyfriend unexpectedly showed up with a bundle of blankets in his arms.

"This is Waldo Wally Haku, WWH for short" he placed the little bundle in your careful arms, revealing a sleeping puppy that brought tears to your eyes "I know he's no replacement for me, truly no one is, but at least he will keep you company and protect you. I trained him to bite any man who isn't me."

"Jinnie, I don't even know what to say..."

"One day" he said, resting his forehead against yours "we will expand our family beyond Waldo Wally. But let's start with him for now, okay?"

"Okay" you agreed, petting the puppy's head lovingly "Thank you so much, baby. I love him and I love you even more"

And finally Jin had peace, knowing that you were happy and in his arms, his future with you guaranteed.

"Jin?" you called after a moment of silence.

"Yes, love?"

"Waldo Wally Haku is a stupid fucking name."

"Wait until you see what I have chosen for our actual child."

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