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Kari was born in Turku, December 2, 1471. She lives with her father, Alpertti; her mother, Kirsi, and her little brother Jooseppi. Kari's original name was actually Kata, but she started using a more masculine name, Kari, when she became a Mekahuman. That was because pretending to be male helped her as a Mekahuman.

Even though Kari no longer pretends to be male, she hit so used to the man, using it for over a hundred and fifty years, that she considers it to be her name, and no longer thinks of Kata as her name. In fact, Kari actually uses the name Kata to help her keep a distinction between Kari as a human and Kari as a Mekahuman. Kata was the human. Kari is the Mekahuman.

Kata was gifted when she was seventeen by Jingyi, the Mekahuman of Earth and the Second Meka. She was gifted when she helped the Mekahumans. Well, more specifically she saved Andrew's life from being temporarily killed. Andrew was furious that he had been helped by a girl, but Kata slapped him and told him that if he didn't want her help, he could die. Due to the language barrier, it took a while for Kata to get that message into the head of the Mekahumans, but once she did everyone in the group, aside from Andrew, found it amusing.

From there, Kata was gifted with ice, which made sense considering she lived in Scandinavia. When the other Mekahumans finished up their mission, and went to head back to their camp, Kata didn't want to come with them, deciding to stay and travel around Scandinavia, a dream of hers that she didn't think she would be able to fulfill.

Kata traveled to Gamla Uppsala, which was the capital of the Kingdom of Sweden before the Kalmar Union. Despite not knowing Old Swedish, Kata was nevertheless able to learn the language while in Gamla Uppsala. Kari later switched out spelling Old Swedish for modern Swedish, but occasionally she'll slip into Old Swedish. Kata stayed in Gamla Uppsala for a year before deciding to travel to Norway's capital, Oslo, where she began to learn Middle Norwegian.

While on her way to Oslo, Kata tried to assist two men who were having trouble with their wagon. They waved her off, insisting a girl couldn't help them, frustrating Kata. That's when Kata decided that if she was going to help others, she would need to pretend to be a man. And so Kata became Kari. 

Kari made herself men's clothes, and when she arrived in Oslo, she was, to the eyes of the people at least, a man. Kari would continue her journey of traveling around Scandinavia, learning the languages of each part before moving on to the next one. After six years, Kari then travelled to modern-day Poland, and that point part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and joined up with the other Mekahumans.

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