The Ancients

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The Ancients is the name for the Mekahumans that were gifted or born before Aristodemos died and Opposites became a thing. Therefore, all of the names you see on this list are the only Mekahumans who've never had an Opposite.

Xanthippe Meka, Mekahuman of Light

Xanthippe is the first Mekahuman, and one of two to be born. Mekahumans being born now is impossible, as it was only the unique mix of non human species that made up Xanthippe's bloodline that let her become the first Mekahuman. Xanthippe is from Greece, and was born in 658 BCE, and died 1067 CE to The Spirit.

Xanthippe is a very caring person, but also very strict. She seeks to use her powers to help non human species, which is why the purpose of the Mekahumans has been protecting non human, both from other non human, and from being discovered by humans. This mission was started by Xanthippe and her brother, Aristodemos, but after Xanthippe discovered her ability to "gift" others the powers of a Mekahuman, they were quickly joined by many others.

The power of gifting is unique to Xanthippe and Aristodemos, as their Mekahuman magic is stronger due to them being born and not gifted. Xanthippe discovered her power of gifting on accident, when she accidentally made Konclwani a Mekahuman. Konclwani had been a Reader, which is how he accidentally became the Mekahuman of Mind.

Xanthippe's powers over light gives her the ability to manipulate it. Xanthippe uses it to blind opponents, take away or create light when needed, and mainly uses it to support her when she fights. Xanthippe relies more in her powers of flight when fighting, but mainly uses it as another tool to her disposal, instead of something she relies on. Xanthippe's powers also have a unique aspect. They have the ability to kill Mekahumans, something that cannot be achieved through any other means, aside from The Weapon and Aristodemos's powers.

Xanthippe has a son, Agapitos Khare, with Aatamgosh Khare.

Xanthippe has long black hair with a white streak and eyes. She has dark skin and is tall.

Aristodemos Meka, Mekahuman/Oppohuman of Darkness

Aristodemos was born in 651 BCE. He's the younger brother of Xanthippe, and is the second Mekahuman. He is the last of the Mekahumans to be born as his parent don't have anymore kids after him. He looked up to his sister a lot when he was younger, but as he got older he stopped.

Aristodemos decided to help Xanthippe, because he knew she was going to do it no matter what others said, and he knew she would need some support. He helped her, until 233 BCE, when tragedy struck. Aristodemos was killed-not temporarily like Mekahumans normally were-but permanently. And this event would change the Mekahuman world forever.

When Aristodemos died, his soul was left exposed to The Spirit, who took advantage of that and possessed him. The Spirit manipulated an ability Aristodemos never realized he had in life to create the Opposites, the species that is meant to destroy Mekahumans. Aristodemos would be The Spirit's puppet until he was permanently killed again.

Aristodemos's powers work similarly to Xanthippe's, which him being able to manipulate darkness. He can remove the light from places by overwhelming it with darkness, and he can tell where things are dark places, even without light. He can also sense when his sister creates a Mekahuman. He also doesn't rely on his powers when fighting. His darkness is also able to kill Mekahumans and Opposites, an ability The Spirit took full advantage of. The Spirit also took advantage of another ability Aristodemos had-an ability that was similar to his sister's gifting ability.

This ability allowed Aristodemos to create beings out of the backlash of energy that is created when Xanthippe gifts someone. Since it is created from the backlash of energy, it normally contains the same or opposites powers that the energy backlash was giving. Unlike Xanthippe, who created this energy to put into a being, the energy is it's own being, although the being that is created is loyal to their creator, and does whatever they say. The Spirit creates these beings to hunt down and kill Mekahumans.

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