Prologue: Shadows Of Destiny

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I peered through the dense foliage, concealed between the bushes, my heart pounding with trepidation. As he strolled past my hiding spot, I silently prayed that he wouldn't discover me. Suddenly, he halted and spun around, his piercing gaze scanning the surroundings. "Come out, come out wherever you are!" he bellowed, a resolute expression etched across his face.

With bated breath, I clung to the hope that I remained hidden from His searching eyes. But in an instant, his triumphant voice shattered my fragile illusion. "Got you!" he exclaimed, lunging towards my position, sword raised with unwavering determination. Swiftly, I rolled away, evading the deadly strike that crashed down on the spot I once occupied. Glancing back at him, our eyes locked, a mixture of deep-seated fear in mine and a focused resolve in his, acknowledging the gravity of our encounter.

Without hesitation, I sprinted away, desperately seeking to create distance between us. Yet, his voice echoed behind me, his pursuit unwavering, as if he possessed an unspoken certainty that he would ultimately catch up to me. And sadly, he was right.

Casting a quick glance over my shoulder, panic surged within me as I caught sight of a knife hurtling towards me. In a futile attempt to evade it, I faltered, too slow to evade its path. Agony flared through my shoulder as the blade found its mark, causing me to lose balance and crash into a nearby tree.

"This is the end, young one," he snarled, a sense of duty emanating from his voice." Now, give me the fragment," he demanded, his tone dripping with conviction.

Confusion clouded my mind as I stammered, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Unfazed by my denial, He sneered, drawing yet another knife. "Fine then. I'll simply retrieve it from your lifeless body."

"Any last words?" he taunted, a solemn determination shaping his features.

Summoning courage through my fear, I managed to ask, "Who are you, and why are you after me?"

A glint of orange flickered in His red eyes as he squatted down to meet my gaze. His voice carried the weight of his honorable mission as he uttered, "Since you are entwined in destiny, I shall reveal myself. I am Sir Gray Firesong, and I seek the fragment in your possession. Now, hand it over."

"You've mistaken me for someone else," I protested, frantically scanning my surroundings for any means of escape.

"Very well," he retorted, bringing the dagger perilously close to my neck. Despite my feeble attempts to break free, he held me firmly in his grip, maintaining his unwavering stance.

"End of the road, young one," he hissed, the blade poised to strike.

I struggled in vain, the strength draining from my body, accepting the bitter reality that my demise was imminent. Meeting Sir Gray's gaze one last time, a whirlwind of emotions—fear, anger, pain and confusion—swirled within my fading eyes. He uttered something, but the sound dissipated into nothingness. Anger radiated from him, a silent fury consuming his expression.

He stood up and turned away, seemingly leaving me to gasp my final breath. Attempting to utter a word, I found my voice too feeble to make a sound. Helpless, I watched as he disappeared from my fading field of vision, closing my eyes as darkness enveloped me, the void consuming my senses.

How long had elapsed?

Was I alive?

Or condemned to eternal slumber?

Who was I?

[All prerequisites fulfilled.

Storm dragon fragment detected.

Commencing body reconstruction]

[1% completed.]

"Wait, WHAT??"

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