Chapter 3: Unveiled Secrets

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[After the war ended with the defeat of the dragons, Astrid Evercrest, the first G.E.N.E.S.I.S System host, extracted and divided the power of the dragons into fragments, three for each dragon. He entrusted these fragments to his loyal subordinates and trusted friends, bestowing upon them the responsibility of safeguarding these powerful artifacts.

With the war over, Astrid and the other system hosts went their separate ways. Some formed kingdoms, such as Astravia, founded by Astrid himself, while others returned to their hometowns, seeking a peaceful life away from the conflicts they had endured. Some hosts disappeared from the world's view, their fates shrouded in mystery.

The fragment users also embarked on their own paths. Some chose to remain in Astravia, standing by Astrid's side, while others joined different system users or established their own kingdoms. The fragments became a symbol of power and influence, passed down through generations, shaping the destinies of those who wielded them. Even the systems themselves were passed down, except for the G.E.N.E.S.I.S System, which seemed to defy succession.

For a while, the land of Elysiuma enjoyed a fragile peace. Years passed, kingdoms flourished, and the powers of the fragments and systems were entrusted to worthy successors. The world seemed to have found a delicate balance, basking in the tranquility that followed the end of the dragon war.

But, as history has shown time and again, peace is not infinite. After Astrid's death, hope arose that the G.E.N.E.S.I.S System could be passed on to a new host, one who would continue the legacy of peace. However, fate had a different plan in store. The G.E.N.E.S.I.S System remained dormant, with no successor able to unlock its potential.

As the years went by, the other system hosts and fragmenters (what users of the dragon fragments where called) grew restless. Their thirst for power and dominion overshadowed the memories of the war's devastation. Astrid's own sons, driven by ambition, believed they were entitled to rule and sought to seize control of Elysiuma. The once-unified kingdoms splintered, with alliances shifting and old rivalries reignited.

The land descended into chaos, with some kingdoms choosing neutrality, isolating themselves from the conflict. Others actively engaged in the war, seeking to acquire more fragments and augment their power. Greed and ambition fueled the flames of destruction, threatening to undo the hard-earned peace that had prevailed for so long.

It was in these tumultuous times that the second host of the G.E.N.E.S.I.S System was chosen. A young girl named Aric, whose heart burned with a desire for peace and justice, was granted the power of the G.E.N.E.S.I.S System. The burden of stopping the war and restoring harmony to Elysiuma fell upon her shoulders.

With the G.E.N.E.S.I.S System coursing through her veins, Aric embarked on a perilous journey, seeking to unite the fragmented kingdoms, mend broken alliances, and quell the insatiable hunger for power. Her path was be paved with challenges, trials, and difficult choices, but she remained determined to honor the legacy of Astrid and restore peace to Elysiuma once again.

Throughout the ages, multiple hosts of the G.E.N.E.S.I.S System had been selected during times of chaos, their purpose to bring peace to Elysiuma and its surrounding planes. Now, it was your turn to carry the weight of this legacy and shape the fate of the world.]

[That concludes the History of the G.E.N.E.S.I.S System]

[Will host like to continue on to the next section?}

[YES] [NO]

"Wait! I have a few questions."

[Questions will be answered in another section.]

[Will host like to continue on to the next section?}

[YES] [NO]

'Doesn't seem like I have much of a choice.' I stared at the screen while gathering my thoughts. The information I had just been fed was a lot to take in. I had a few questions like where is Elysium? Or what are celestials? But it seemed this system wouldn't answer my questions yet

."Yes, Continue."


[The Universe and it's Plane of Existences.] The holographic projection announced, drawing Nero's attention back to the tutorial.

[The universe has been in existence for eons. No one knows when and how it was created. The Universe gave birth to three beings known as Primordials.

The first primordial is Chronos, the embodiment of Time. Chronos governs the flow of time, ensuring its orderly progression throughout the universe. From the birth of stars to the passing of millennia, Chronos weaves the fabric of time, dictating the past, present, and future.

The second primordial is Gaia, the embodiment of Earth. Gaia encompasses the physical realm, the planets, the ecosystems, and the delicate balance of nature. She nurtures life and sustains the worlds, overseeing the intricate dance between the elements and fostering biodiversity.

The third primordial is Aether, the embodiment all forms of energies. Aether represents the ethereal energies that permeate the universe, the very essence of celestial power. It encompasses the realms of stars, galaxies, and the celestial bodies that shape the cosmic tapestry.

These Primordials created the different planes that exist today. The universe is a vast tapestry woven with these interconnected planes, each with its own unique characteristics and inhabitants.]

[These planes are:

Terramora, The Land of the Divine. The overarching realm that encompasses all the divine kingdoms in Terramora. These kingdoms within Terramora reflect the grandeur, power, and different aspects of divine existence. Each kingdom has its unique characteristics, inhabitants, and influence over the mortal realm. It is a realm of majestic landscapes and celestial beauty, where the presence of gods is palpable. This is where the Celestial Pantheon reside.

Elysiuma, A magical world filled with myriad mystical elements, encompassing realms of fire, water, air, earth, lightning, ice, nature, and storms. This is the first mortal plane. Parts of it were split off during the war with the dragons. This is also likely where the man called Gray Firesong is from.

Avalora, The mortal realm, is one of the planes of existence within the universe. It is a realm closely connected to the element of Earth, with its earthly wonders and mortal inhabitants. It is called earth by it's inhabitants. This is where the host resides. Avalora was initially a part of Elysiuma but was split off during the war with the dragons. Due to the nature of the split, the ethereal energy generated by the plane is so little that it's inhabitants could no longer sense it.

These is also the reason fir the existence of many myths and legends.
Other planes include Nyxeria, Obsidiana, Luminara, etc. These planes where also split off from Elysiuma and their properties vary. Host does not need to concern himself with these other planes for the time being.

The Primordials watch over this planes and ensure the balance in the universe. ]

[That concludes this section.]

The revelation of these diverse realms ignited a spark within Nero. His mind raced with possibilities. He imagined the diverse realms and beings that inhabited the different planes, wondering how his own journey might intersect with these cosmic realms. He yearned to explore these planes, interact with their inhabitants, and understand the full extent of the universe's grandeur.

[Will host like to continue on to the next section?]

[YES] [NO]

Nero hesitated for a moment, contemplating the vastness of the universe and the endless possibilities that awaited him. He took a deep breath, ready to embrace the journey ahead.

"Yes, continue," Nero replied, his voice filled with determination and curiosity.


[Powers of the G.E.N.E.S.I.S System and how to use them]

As the holographic projection shifted, intricate diagrams and symbols materialized before Nero's eyes once again. The Genesis System's voice echoed with guidance, preparing him to unlock the powers bestowed upon them.

[Now, let us explore the powers of the G.E.N.E.S.I.S System and how to wield them]

Nero's anticipation grew, eager to grasp the abilities he had acquired through their resurrection and connection to the Storm Dragon fragment.

[To be continued...]

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