Chapter 5: Leaving

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"Please, continue," I urged, eager to delve deeper into the tutorial.


[The Genesis Archive, a vast vault of knowledge, catalogs the history of Elysiuma, its inhabitants, and the cosmic energies threading through the universe. It unravels the secrets of varied creatures, mystical artifacts, ancient civilizations, and the dance of powers among realms.]

The holographic projection shifted, revealing a realm of information in the Archives. It was a treasure trove of concealed wisdom, and I could sense that immersing myself in this would be an enlightening escapade.


[The inventory, a spatial repository designed for the host, presently accommodates 100 slots for items, stacking up to 99 pieces per item. It exclusively houses inanimate objects.]

The Genesis System transitioned to the Inventory section, unveiling a virtual storeroom capable of sheltering diverse items, relics, and gear amassed during my travels.

"This inventory is crucial for gathering items during my journey," I mused, acknowledging its importance in safeguarding valuable assets and materials.

[And that concludes the G.E.N.E.S.I.S system tutorial.]

[The system is prepared to address any queries the host has.]

"Finally, I can ask questions," I remarked.

"Okay, my first question is why did you choose me and how am I not dead?" I inquired, the weight of this question haunting me since the outset.

[Answering host's query.
Your selection as the host was a convergence of your distinctive genetic composition, untapped potential, exposure to certain environmental energies, inner desires, and personal experiences. Regarding your survival, upon your untimely demise, the system assimilated your soul. The reconstruction of your body was necessary for harmonizing the immense power and fragment integrating within you. This meticulous process ensured your survival and the successful fusion of these powers.]

"Okay, while I don't fully grasp it, I'll accept that explanation," I replied, contemplating the system's response.

[Please be aware that the G.E.N.E.S.I.S system cannot revive you repeatedly. Therefore, it's advisable not to recklessly endanger your life like certain past hosts.]

"Huh? What does that mean?" I asked, taken aback.

[The host need not dwell on the latter part of the previous statement.
Do you have any other questions?]

"Hmm," it seemed the system didn't want to talk about a past host who might have assumed the system could revive them repeatedly and got themselves killed.

"Can you explain the significance of the different planes and realms within the universe?"

[Each plane encapsulates distinct energies and realities. Delving into them presents opportunities for growth, discovery, and a deeper comprehension of the universe's interconnectedness.]

"Are there specific rules or limitations to using these powers?"

[While your abilities are extensive, they have boundaries. Balancing and mastering them over time is crucial. Breaching these limits could result in repercussions or energy depletion.]

"How can I further enhance or train my abilities?"

[Training and practice are paramount. Engaging in tailored exercises for your abilities, seeking guidance from seasoned individuals, or exploring novel experiences within various planes can refine your skills.]

"What potential dangers should I be aware of as I explore different planes?"

[Each plane harbors unique challenges and regulations. Exercise caution concerning hostile entities, environmental hazards, and fluctuations in power. Understanding each realm's nature and staying vigilant will mitigate risks.]

"Are there specific goals or tasks I should prioritize after I leave?"

[While your path is self-defined, comprehending your bloodline, exploring realms, and fostering peace in the universe are long-term objectives. In the short term, augmenting your strength and locating a man known as Gray are plausible pursuits.]

Having gleaned sufficient information from my questions, I felt ready to proceed.

"Okay, how do I exit this place, wherever it may be?" I inquired, still situated in the dim space from the moment of my demise.

[The host currently resides in their soul chamber, and due to the host's death and continued presence here, the system has limited changes until the host re-enters their body. The soul chamber will then naturally adapt to these changes.
As for departure, the system can teleport the host to one of the two accessible planes. Would you like to leave now?]

"So, this is my soul," I observed, peering around. I noticed subtle white lines encroaching upon the edges of this dark expanse, inconspicuous unless you look directly at them, perhaps related to the changes the system mentioned. Yet, focusing on the present issue:

"Yes, I'd like to depart," I confirmed.

[Select location for teleportation:
Avalora (Earth): Evergreen Forest
Elysiuma: Random location]

"Take me back to Avalora," I decided. Choosing a familiar plane seemed wise; venturing into an unknown realm without preparation would be unwise.

[Are you sure you want to teleport to Avalora?]

"Yes, I'm sure," I affirmed.


[Beginning teleportation process.]

[Attempting link with Avalora...]



[Attempting link with Avalora...]



"What's happening?" I questioned.

[Unable to link with Avalora.]

[Attempting link with Elysiuma...]

"Wait," I interrupted.

[Link established.]

[Beginning Teleportation process.]

"Wait," I cried out as I felt myself being drawn away. I didn't understand the situation, but I knew one thing for certain.

'I'm fucked.'

(To be continued...)

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