Chapter 6: Kingdom's Unseen Threads

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Entering the opulent throne room, Gray's mind dwelled on the tragic events that had unfolded. He got on one knee and bowed to his king. Seated on his ornate throne carved with dragon motifs, a symbol of his dominion, King Pyron commanded attention with an aura of regality. His fiery gaze, like molten gold, reflects both authority and impatience. Adorned in elaborate crimson and gold robes, his presence, though imposing, carries a cold indifference, hinting at the ruthlessness beneath his kingly facade.

(Picture of King Pyron)

He glanced up as Gray approached

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He glanced up as Gray approached. His fiery gaze penetrated Gray's soul, lacking the usual warmth reserved for his trusted knights. The room, adorned with tapestries depicting the Pyrovia kingdom's battles and victories, felt stifling as Gray readied to report his failure.

"Gray," King Pyron's voice rumbled like distant thunder, "you were entrusted with a mission of utmost importance. Tell me, have you successfully secured the dragon fragment?"

Gray hesitated, his eyes momentarily flickering to the ground. The weight of his failure pressed upon him, the memory of Nero's lifeless form haunting his thoughts. With a deep breath, he spoke, "My lord, the mission did not go as planned. I encountered an unexpected complication."

King Pyron's fiery brows furrowed, impatience evident. "Complication? Explain."

"I found the one who possesses the dragon fragment," Gray began, choosing his words carefully, "but, in my haste, I made a grievous error. I... I took the life of an innocent boy who, as it turns out, did not have the fragment. The energy signature was a false positive."

Silence settled in the throne room, broken only by the crackling of the flames. A flicker of annoyance crossed the king's face, quickly replaced by cold indifference. "An innocent's life matters little in the grand scheme of our kingdom's goals. What matters is the fragment. Tell me you at least retrieved it."

Gray's eyes widened in disbelief. "My lord, the mission is more complicated than initially thought. I need time to rectify—"

"Time?" The king's anger flared. "You bungle a simple task and dare ask for time? The flame dragon cares not for the lives of insignificant mortals. Your incompetence disappoints me, Gray."

A wave of anger and frustration surged through Gray. "I understand the severity of my mistake, my lord. I am committed to setting things right and—"

"Setting things right?" King Pyron scoffed. "You will not receive redemption easily. Your failure has consequences, Gray. I will think of your punishment later, but first, we must retrieve that fragment."

Gray, now enraged by the king's lack of empathy, bowed stiffly. "As you command, my lord."

"Go, the sight of your face disgusts me," the king dismissed him with a wave of his hand, "and do not return until you have something of value to offer."

The heavy doors of the throne room closed behind Gray, leaving him seething with a mix of guilt, anger, and a burning desire for redemption. The castle's vibrant hues seemed more oppressive than ever as he stepped back into the courtyard, the weight of this entire ordeal hanging over his head like a black cloud.

In the throne room, King Pyron pondered the things Gray said.

"So, what do you think? Is it possible the sensor malfunctioned?" King Pyron asked, staring towards a certain direction.

"I'm very certain the device didn't fail, after all, I made it," said a man emerging from the shadows. Cloaked in darkness, he exuded an air of silent power. His eyes, sharp and calculating, pierce through the dim light. His attire, a mix of subtle grays and blacks, contrasts sharply with the vibrant hues of the castle. His demeanor suggested a disdain for royal formalities, and his mere presence demanded respect. "There are only three possible scenarios." The man continued.


"Well?" King Pyron pressed, eager for an answer

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"Well?" King Pyron pressed, eager for an answer.

"One. Your head knight is lying to you-"

"That's impossible. Gray is under oath and can't lie to me," King Pyron shouted, clearly enraged that the man in the shadows would even think of mentioning that.

The man looked up at the king with a frown on his face. "Firstly, Pyron, never raise your voice when speaking to me again. I am not one of your stupid knights or servants," said the man.

"Secondly, there are many ways to circumvent your meager oath, one of which includes using the power of a dragon fragment, so yes, it is a possibility, though a highly unlikely one," the man said.

"I apologize," Pyron said, looking slightly peeved. "You said there were three possibilities, so what are the other two?"

"I was getting to it before you so rudely interrupted me," the man replied. "The second possibility is that the boy somehow managed to fool your head knight." He continued. "And lastly, the third possibility which I think is most likely is that another system host intervened since they are the only ones that can escape the grasp of my Fate System."

"So you think a system host has something to do with this?" Pyron asked.

"I'm ninety percent certain since I've been unable to sense the location of the storm dragon fragment for a while," the man replied.

"Hmmm, this is going to be a big problem. How do we deal with this?" Pyron asked, a look of frustration and anger on his face.

"I have a few ideas, but first, I have an inkling that the boy that your head knight killed is not dead. So you'll need to find him first," the man said.

"Very well then. I look forward to our continued association, Sir Dimitri."

"Likewise." the man, Dimitri, As he faded back into the shadows, the enigma surrounding him lingering, leaving an impression of a figure not easily confined by the constraints of the throne room leaving King Pyron once again all alone in the expansive throne room.

"Haa, this is definitely going to give me a headache." King Pyron said while rubbing his temples and leaning back tiredly into his throne.

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