What Are These? Let Me Tell You.

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Wattpad has been, and always will be in a state where the professional books are awful. Heyy I understand you're lonely and you want a handsome man in your life that would do anything in his power to have you by his side. That's not real life, this platform embraces the fact that men will never be like this. The most popular romance books are ussualy written by females, the main characters are females and guess what. The man is probably a bad boy or the text book definition of perfect. These books attract the attention of millions of teenage girls that cream their pussies about a guy in a book. It's not right said Obama and I agreed, he spoke about something way different but we spoke the same words. I don't want to tell you what a real man is because I am not a real man myself. A man should be able to say no, he shouldn't treat you constantly he must remind you that there are times where it gets tuff and times where it gets easy. He should be able to hold you and love you, and he should also be able to punish you, I know it sounds dumb but this is what I believe, people can't just get away with doing bad stuff they should feel bad, and when they do good they should feel good. My life motto is, let's just fucking go for it, what ever happens, happens. We live in hard times so you should make the best of them so do your best to stay bright, and remember these men are just a figure of imagination. The men who fought in wars, died legends. These men live in high school girls' imaginations. Please! I can complain because, why not? It's never going to get fixed because it's always been the wattpad meta. If you can't change something, change your attitude. But I like hating on wattpad. 😈

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2022 ⏰

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