Fuck your night owl!

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Lights out is what I told the child at McDonald's before I punched him in his five year old face because he called me a stinky poo poo head.

We all may have seen this before but just ignored it ,well I think this is big booty content and the best decision wattpad has made so far. Like I can't believe they just now thought of this ,ITS 2020. People have the thought of putting holograms on the PS5 controller HOW HAVE YOU ,JUST NOW THOUGHT OF DARK MODE I think they, like chose Lights out to sound cool or something which they dont because wattpad is just top of the shelf shit ever since they added payed books because the premium is TRAAAAAAASH!!!!! They charge you monthly for dumb shit like themes ,no ads and they probably force you readers to watch the cringey ads the playstore pisses towards our faces. I just want to say ,Wattpad is dumb dont waste your money on books and dont waste your money on premium because it's all dumb addons except the ads being removed. But this chapter is about the new thing that just popped up on my Wattpad home screen.

Like I was so frustrated but happy because I dont think you need premium for this but I am sketchy about it because I can't even scroll through my own books without being blasted by ads ,here's a tip ,press the back button ,it will take you back t...

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Like I was so frustrated but happy because I dont think you need premium for this but I am sketchy about it because I can't even scroll through my own books without being blasted by ads ,here's a tip ,press the back button ,it will take you back to your previous page but if you click on the book again it will put you back one page and then you can continue on to the next chapter if it shows again click back faster ,as it has caught my salty boi looking ass. I learned that from the legendary Swiper the fox. But me and swiper have something in common we both hate it when ads get in the way of our daily furry hentai gallery. So we are immediately forced to watch ads. This is something we have to live with but we can avoid it like my relationship with my grandparents I have to live with them but I sure as hell try to avoid them. If you liked the chapter comment down below what you liked and what you want to see next so that you dont have to spend your worthless time on earth writing your own book like this because you will probably fail horribly in doing so and for copy catting me like that I will personally track your IP address and threaten you because I sure as hell am not gonna waste my time on you. If you really want to support me go and give Wattpad a zero star rating and just reply with M4X_FL3R to spread the good word on this book ,you will be doing God's work. I am betting 100 dollars PayPal cash that I will be demonetized on chapter 3. (Please dont Wattpad assholes.) Remember to check out the images because that's probably the best part of it all.

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