Chapter 1: Always and forever part 1.

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Elijah Mikaleson was in a bar trying to find his brother and right now he was speaking to the bartender who was giving him his drink.

"So, what brings you to the Big Easy?" Asked the bartender.

"I used to live here." He told her. "Really?" She asked and he looked to her, she has brown eyes and blonde hair. But he already had two loves, one had drown in a bathtub and the other one disappeared without as much as a trace. All he can do is hope that Sky Miller is living her life as she wants.

"Really? When?" the bartender asked him pulling him out of his thoughts.

"Oh, feels like a hundred years ago." Said Elijah.

"I just moved here myself. What bought you back?" she asked him and he looked down again.

"Well, my brother is here somewhere. I'm afraid he might have gotten himself into a bit of a bind." He told her.

"You say that like it's a common occurrence." The bartender told him.

"Well, he's complicated... Defiant. Ill mannered. And a little temperamental." He said as images of flash of his brother.

"See, we don't share the same father. Of course, that never bothered me, but my brother resents it deeply. Never felt like he belonged. All told, he has a long history of getting himself into trouble." Explained Elijah.

"And I'm guessing you have a long history getting him out of it." She told him and that made him smile.

"What kind of bind is your brother in?" She asks him.

"He believes there are people in this town that are conspiring against him." He told her. "Wow. Narcissistic and paranoid." she told him.

He put his hands together looking at her. "Sorry. Bartender with a grad degree in psychology. Totally cliche." 

Just like her. he thought sadly.

"Is something wrong?" 

"No, you just remind me of someone I once loved." He said. "Oh, what was her name?" she asked.

"Her name was Sky Miller. But of course, I was away on business and when I return to her, she's gone." he said.

Then pull his thoughts of that and focus on his brother.

"Listen, Camille. I'm looking for someone who might shed some light on his current predicament. She works here. Jane-Anne Deveraux." He told her keeping his mind off Sky.

Last he'd heard was that her brother, her sister in law had been attack by something while their little girl, Bee had passed away. But he never saw Samuel again. It was as if the Miller family never exist.

"Any idea where I might find her?" He asked her. "No, but I know someone who might." She said then she lean forwards.

"There's a girl here who's just shown up lately. She doesn't speak much but there is a rumor that her last name is Miller." 

"Her first name?" He asked her. "I think her first name is Kairi. But she doesn't speak much. She keeps to herself." 

"Thank you. May I ask where I can find her?" He asked, if this girl is Sky's daughter....then he'll keep her safe.

"Maybe at the hotel or if you can catch her, sometimes she dances in the square or is either drawing at the park or sometimes she goes to the library." 

"Thank you." He said as he took a gulp of his glass as he walks out into the street keeping an eye out for Sky's child.

He followed the tour guide as she took tourists around with her showing them new Orleans once the people went into the stores, he made his presence known.

"Are you gonna continue following me, Elijah...or do you want to talk?" she asked him, he looked to her impressed.

Just how did this woman know who he was?

I promise to keep you safe, Kairi  Mikaleson. book 1.Where stories live. Discover now