Chapter 4: Always and forever part 4

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Elijah watch them as he sat beside them, Kairi flinch from him. His heart broke at the sad look on her face and in her eyes.

"So, have they been holding you here against your will? Both of you?" He asked them both.

His daughter didn't say anything  but she just shrug her shoulders while looking at her hands.

"They lured me out to the bayou and grabbed me. I don't know about her though. She's been quiet this whole time. Other than when she tries to get away from them." Said the girl, Hayley.

Elijah looked at her again from the sandy brown hair, the sad brown eyes, her eyes were her color but they were Sky's eye shape then he looks to the sweater, jeans and trainers she wore.

"Then they did all these weird, witchy tests. Not that I understand how this could happen. I mean, vampires are dead. They can't have children." Said the woman.

This made him look to his daughter, not as it seems to, but he wasn't going to question it but then a sad voice spoke up.

"If that's true how am I here?" Asked Kairi, if he didn't have the vampire hearing there would been no way he would had heard her even speak.

"I don't know, Kairi. And I am not about to question it." Said Elijah gentle and then sighed.

"Peharps if you knew my brother's story. It might explain my brother's story." Said Elijah. His heart broke as his daughter slide a few inches away from him.

"If I may?" He said. The woman moved her head away from him.

"What are you doing?" asked the woman.

"Relax. If you open your mind to me...I can show you." Said Elijah. Kairi's eyes widen at this.

"I can do that?" She asked.

"yes, with practice and patient." Said Elijah. 

she blink her eyes at him. "Don't go looking in mine then."

"I promise, I just wish to show you." he told her gentle.


He smile at her, hoping he can get her to open up a bit. He place a hand on on the side of both of their heads.

"In the beginning, our family was human." He said focusing his memory into their minds, showing them everything.

If this is what can get his child to trust him, he will do it just to show that he would never hurt her.

"A thousand years ago now. Although our mother dabbled in the dark arts, we were largely just a family trying to survive at a time when it was quite difficult to do so." He said.

"you might as well been in Westos." said Kairi.

Elijah chuckled amuse. Just like her mother.

"Yes, quite so." He said and then she let out a giggle when Niklaus had cut his belt with the sword.

Maybe Kairi isn't as broken as she thinks.

"He's funny." Said Kairi.

"And for better or worse, we were happy." Said Elijah and then he move his hands from them.

"That is, however, until one night our youngest brother was killed by our village's greatest threat. Men that could transform themselves during the full moon. Our family was devastated. More than Niklaus. Desperate to protect the rest of us, our father forced our mother to call upon her black magic in order to make us stronger. Thus, the first vampires were born. But with this speed, this strength, this immortality came with a terrible hunger. No one felt this hunger more than Niklaus. When he killed for the first time, we knew what he truly was. He wasn't just a vampire." He told them.

"He was also a werewolf. That's how the werewolf curse works. It isn't activated until you take a life." Hayley informed him.

Kairi said nothing but he saw pain in her eyes.

"Niklaus was the result of an indiscretion our mother had hidden from us all. An affair with a werewolf like yourself. Infuriated by this betrayal, my father forced our mother to cast a spell that would suppress Niklaus's werewolf side, denying him any connection  with his true self."

"Your dad was a dick." Said the woman

He look to Kairi to see her shaking with deep fear now.

"Kairi?" Asked the woman concern.

Kairi clutched at a small wooden necklace and rock back and forth muttering nonstop.

"demons can't get in churches, demons can't into churches." 

He couldn't watch her upset herself like that, it's impossible to watch it so he hug her waiting for her to calm down while he whisper smoothing words into her ear.

What had happened to his child to cause such a state?

"I'm Hayley, by the way." Said Hayley and he shook her  hand with his free hand.

"I figure you should know my name if you;re gonna tell me your whole life story. I mean, I know yours. Your family is legendary. Your brother is a notorious psycho, who I slept with. Classic me" Said Hayley.

"I cannot excuse his behavior but you must understand that our father hunted him, hunted us for centuries. Every time we found a moment of happiness we were force to flee, even here in New Orleans where we were happiest of all. Not long after Niklaus broke the spell. which prevented him from becoming the Hybrid...he defeated our father. I thought this would make him happy." Elijah told him and then he shook his head.

Elijah then frown at Kairi as he saw understanding and sympathy in her eyes as if she knew what it was like.

"He was angrier than ever. I wonder if, perhaps, this baby and...." 

Elijah look to kairi. "And you might be a way for my brother to find happiness. A way to save him from himself." 

Kairi then run to the end of the room, pressing her back to the wall in fear.

"I'm glad you feel that way. Because we need your help." Said Sophie.

But why did Kairi run to the other side of the room just as Sophie Deveraux came in?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2022 ⏰

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