chapter 3: always and forever part 3

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Elijah saw two vampires attacking Sophie Deveraux and so he killed them and step beside Sophie who was looking up.

"I'm Elijah. Have you heard of me?" Asked Elijah, and Sophie Deveraux nod at him.


"So why don't you tell me what business your family has with my brother." Said Elijah.

They soon were at the cemetery that is beside the church, he look sensing a barrier around the place to ward off the vampires.

"This is sacred ground, which means vampires have to be invited in. But since I'm desperate, come on in." She told him and he walk into the graveyard without the barrier pushing him back.

"We can talk freely here." Said Sophie Deveraux. 

"Then I suggest you start talking. What did your sister want with Niklaus?" He asked her.

"Isn't it obvious? We have a vampire problem, and we need help. Marcel has an army backing him. The witches have been trying to fight back and we haven't had much luck until my sister Jane-Anne met two girls. A werewolf passing through the quarter from a small town in Virginia. She had a special connection to your brother." Sophie Deveraux explained to him.

"What kind of connection?" He asked her, she has got his interest now.

"Apparently, they spent some time together. One thing led to another, and now this special werewolf girl, she's pregnant and the father of the child she's carrying is your brother, Klaus." Said Sophie Deveraux.

"That's impossible." Said Elijah not believing in what he's hearing.

"Nothing is impossible especially not when it comes to your brother. Think about it. They call him the Hybrid, right?" She asked.

"and the other girl?" He asked.

"Kairi Miller-Mullins." She said. "what?" 

"She's your daughter, we did a blood test with magic which had gotten another witch killed. She even has your eyes." Said Sophie Deveraux.

"Bring them out!" 

Then some witches bought out one girl who was quite beautiful, full upper lips and brown eyes.

"Who the hell are you?" 

"where's Kairi gone to now?" Asked Sophie Deveruax.

He and the girl followed Sophie Deveruax and he saw a young girl with short hair on her knees praying and rocking back and forth.

"Demons can't get in the church, I'm safe. Demons can't get in." She muttered.

"Kairi. I have someone who you need to meet." Said Sophie Deveraux.

The child looked up and he saw big brown eyes staring back at him in confusion, even with a bit of fear.

"who are you and what do you want?" She asked quietly.

This is her? His and Sky's child? What has happened to her in her short life to make her like this?

I promise to keep you safe, Kairi  Mikaleson. book 1.Where stories live. Discover now