ch.1 childhood friends

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(Sebastian's POV) It has been quite some time since I last laid eyes on one of my dearest friends. I recall that they were a year older back in grade school. Yet, despite the passage of time and our inability to communicate, my mind was consumed by the memory of a girl whose face I could not recall. Her voice was a symphony of sweetness, though her manner was as fierce as a lion's. Her laughter was a balm to my soul and brought me great joy whenever I heard it.

Suddenly, the sound of my name being called by my teacher, Mr. Richeal, jolted me out of my daydream. "Sabastian! Perhaps you would like to answer this question for us," he said, his eyes piercing my very being. "I'll try, I guess... let's see. If you multiply the cube, which measures 50 cubic units on each side, by the number of sides, you should get... 300, I believe." I'm not sure what possessed me to answer, but I did. "Correct. Well done, Mr. Sebastian. Please take your seat." As I sat down, I gazed blankly into space. "I hope that everyone wrote down those notes because we will have a test in the next two weeks," the teacher announced. I decided to put on my headphones to drown out the sound of pencils scratching on paper and gum being chewed. Soon after, I fell asleep.

When I awoke, the bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. I checked my phone and saw that it was almost 3 p.m. "Great, I can wait another hour before biking home." Thirty minutes later, after the buses had departed from the high school, I hopped on my bike and headed home. Once an hour had passed, I finally arrived at the front door and unlocked it using the key my mother had given me a while back for safety reasons. Once I was inside I decided to head straight to the kitchen to grab a snack. Then to my room, I had skipped lunch at school because I wasn't feeling well, so I sat and waited for time to pass.

Once I had an apple and some chips in hand, I climbed up the stairs to my room. The room was adorned with stars, uncommon hues, and a few posters that were up on each of the 4 walls. After entering, I put on some music flopped on my bed drifting off to sleep. After three, maybe five hours, I awoke in a cold sweat and realized that my mother had returned home. "Good afternoon, sweetie. How was school?" she inquired as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. "It was okay. None of my friends were there, but I think I assumed I saw my childhood best friend attending the same school I couldn't get a good look though."

My mother regarded me with interest and asked, "Oh, that's wonderful news. Did you say hello? Did you two catch up? What happened?" I was overwhelmed by the barrage of questions thrown at me. "I didn't want to disturb her during class. Besides, I always get nervous when I speak, unless it's extremely obvious mumbling or I'm explaining a concept."

Due to my answer, my mother just sighed "That's too bad, I haven't seen or heard from that young lady in ages. I hope she's doing alright for herself and staying out of trouble." Looking up with a slight glare I began slowly to say something. "You know what I'll see if she has a number I can add to my phone, that way I can contact her if she ever wants to come over." My mother's face lightened a bit "That's great I can't wait to have the two of you hanging out together again, oh what wonderful memories you two shared when you were just wandering kids." My eyes started to water at that fact "Yeah.. good times to be honest, but anyways enough with being soppy, tomorrow afternoon I'll try to get any social media she has if she does, That way I can contact her." My mother just smiled and I sat out in the living room for the rest of the afternoon.

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