ch.3 development.

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It was 3:45 in the morning, I couldn't sleep at all. The only thing I could think about was Maia, I mean she has a cute laugh, beautiful eyes, wait- fuck. What am I saying? She's my childhood best friend for crying out loud, someone I've known my whole life. And she'll likely never think of me like that... after spacing out for 3 hours I began to question after snapping back into reality "Wait how long was I zoned out for? Let me check."

*6:55?! I was zoned out for 3 hours!* Well, it's only Saturday plus it's a weekend so I don't have school. Meh, let's see what's new in my game, (10 minutes go by, and the door creeks open) "Oh hey ma, morning your up earlier than usual" I said not fully realizing who it was. Once looking after a few seconds of dead silence passing by,  I saw Maia in pj's and half tired, "Oh hey dork how'd you sleep?" I said but she just mumbled "Hey" I mean her sleepy voice is how do I put this Amazing! But after she stood in the doorway for a few minutes in silence, she suddenly asked out of the blue "Can I cuddle you?" After hearing that I stood frozen not knowing how to answer, *wait what?? Within the whole 7 years of knowing her, I've never known her to be a cuddler, but still HUH??*

"Y-yeah I don't mind", once I agreed she began to waddle towards me and plop on my bed. After a few temporary seconds, she nuzzled her face in my chest. *Holy shit. Holy. shit. Holy shit. Stay calm stay calm.* I told myself constantly with my heart beating rapidly because I mean she was so damn adorable and I didn't wanna make her uncomfortable so after a few snappy minutes I put the blanket over us and held her.

10:23 A.M. After 4 hours went by I opened my eyes to see a sleeping Beauty on my chest. I didn't wanna wake her up so I just went back to sleep. 3:16 pm After sleeping for what felt like forever I opened my eyes to see my mom smirking. "What's that face for?" I stared blankly and then my mom said "Don't act like you don't know, I walked in here at 8:35 am and saw Maia cuddling all up on you, I'm sure that she might be giving signs son." Holy crap how am I this dumb to not realize.... don't answer that question. But now that I pieced it together, the nicknames, the way she acts around me, it's all coming together now.

"I'll have to ask her about it I guess" I'm still shocked I didn't get the hints. "Well what are you waiting for, you still have 3 months of break left so go get her tiger" *oh. My. God. Did my mom just use that fraze out of everything?* "So do you know where she's gone?" I asked, "She's in the shower at the moment so just give her a bit, then I'll give you two some privacy to discuss everything." 20 maybe 30 minutes go by and I'm playing on my phone, and listening to music in the living room.

I saw Maia walk out of the bathroom wearing a pair of my joggers and a crop top, "hey dingus" she jumped when I spoke. "Sébastien, don't Scare me like that." She walks to put her clothes away and sits on the couch with me. "So, my mom told me something..." At this point, if hot water didn't turn her red, then just one sentence did. "O-oh, w-what'd she-" I decided to mock her stuttering "Wha-we were" She slapped me playfully but it was worth it to see how embarrassed and cute she looked.

"Well she told me you've been acting a bit strange around me," I said as she turned redder than lava. "Well to get straight to the point, my mom pieced everything together, also you smell good not gonna lie" I decided to catch her off guard with the compliment. "O-oh thanks" she turned red even more "but yeah there's no point in hiding it now dingus" I winked at her and she finally confessed but I cut her off by kissing her soft lips.

Her reaction was priceless after that she burrowed her face into my chest as she mumbled the words "I love you, idiot" I then kissed her forehead and she passed out from being overwhelmed, I laid her head on my chest as we both fell asleep and shortly the day passed...

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