You get in a fight

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Harry : *He wakes up and finds you looking in the computer and crying (on your computer there is a pic of harry and taylor holding hands)* "Whats wrong ?" - He says and huges you , you stand up and say -" Don't touch me "... "Babe wha.." -harry says confused " Don't you babe me you cheater are you happy now that you have broken me in peaces ? " - you yell at him and walk out the room slaming the door . He is now crying knowing what you are talking about but he has no idea how there is a pic of something that never happend but then he saw a date and time in the corner of the picture he grabed the lap top and rushed down stares where you were ready to leave he stoped you and said " babe look the date and time this picture is taken on your b-day and you know I was with you the whole day " "OMG what you are teling me is true " -you say relived but also with guilt "Baby I am so sorry I should of listen to you first before I would do such a scandal"-you continue while huging him "It's ok Babe I don't blame you It's a realy good photoshop " - you both giggle and then you kiss and spend the whole day in each others arms whatchig romantic movies.

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