Your B-day

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You woke up and it was a sonny day .It was your b-day . You weren't happy about it cuz you only had one friend . You were alone all day and in the evening your friend called you and told you to come to her house . You did what she said and went to her house . The minute you walked in your friends back yard your favourite song "WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL" started playing and it was played by your idols ONE DIRECTION . You control yourself not to fangirl . When they finish singing they come of of the home-made stage and they all started to wish you happy b-day . Then Harry being the flirt he is pulls you aside and  says - " The boys didn't get you anything but I did " "Are you kidding , just you being here makes this the best day ever " - you reply " Yeah but you are gonna like my preasent better " -  Harry says and kisses you passionatly . "I told you " - Harry says breaking the kiss . And that was the begining of a beaufitul relationship . 

Harry Styles imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora