That Kiss

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Me and Harry were friends for a while now .I liked him sence day one but he wasn't into me .He never said that but I'm sure he thinks of me just as a firend I mean I wasn't his type I wasn't blonde I wasn't hot I didn't have blue eyes ....Anyway he was perfect,he was the type of aguy that any girl on the planet would want to date .The was he treated me was just ...amayzing I wouldn't give that away for anything.One day we were at his place cooking I have no idea how but we started to fight with flour . He wraped his hand around my waste and started to spining me around . The second he put me downd I KISSED him . Why ? Why on earth would I ruin my friendshim with him just cuz I like him more than just a friend. 'I-I have to go' - I said as I grabed my purse and left crying . I heard him scream my name and running after me but I didn't stop running I got in my car and went home. After a week of ignoring his calls and his texts and his e-mails and his tweets I heard a knock on my door . I opend it and saw Harry coverd in sweat . 'How did you know where I live ?? I moved here 3 days ago' - I said 'I didn't and just please let me in ..teenage girls are chacing me ' - He replyed . I heard 100 of girls down the hall screaming and crying . I let him in they looked like they were about to eat him. I locked the door and turnded around to face Harry cuz he was right behaind me staring at me I could feel it . As I turned he pulled me close to him and now are bodys were touching no place between us and he kissed me .He kissed me ...I can't belive it ,the kiss was perfect long and just the taste of his soft sweet pink lips was priceless . He pulled away and I started-'I thout I wasn't ' ' my type ? ' - He cut me off 'yeah that' - I said with a sad voice . 'Well you weren't but you changed my type' - he said to me 'I changed your type ?? ' -I said confused and suprised 'Yes you did' - he said 'You might not be blonde but your brown hair is just perfect and your eyes might not be blue but they are the biggest brown eyes ever and the are the most beautiful eyes ever ' - He finished and I smiled like a dork 'I love you ' - he said ' I love you too ' - I said back to him then we kissed and stayed all night waching movies and kissing .

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