Sick! Grelle Sutcliff x Reader

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Ok I read the manga mainly and Grelle's a girl sooooo femgrelle..... mascgrelle isn't Grelles confessional


I'd been working with Will and Grelle reaping soul for 2 hours now only 1 left me grelle where dating everyone knew. She was pale a sheet of sweat over her head and she was sloppy it was clear she was sick but she wasn't going to admit it she never would till she had or was about to throw up so, both me and Will where watching her me because I love her him because overtime.

Once we got the soul collected we could go home so we were walking together will's house was closer ours was a block further so we walked together about half way to wills when Grelle clamped her hand over her mouth a arm going round her stomach. Will looked worried it may of been late and dark but people where still out, I went over pulling her into an alley she could hardly walk only a few steps into the alley way when her legs went sending her to her knees and her fragile stomach forced the bile out her from the impact. I knelt down rubbing her back she was hunched over, Will walked over kneeling down with us , Grelle brought up 3 more rounds of sick now laying back in my arms with will gently whipping the sick from her lips with a a tissue. "Do yous want to stay at mine I'll have something to fit yous." I nodded grelle just cuddled up to me clutching her stomach. " hay hone you rea-" will took her from me picking her up he was bigger and stronger, I'd rather him carry her then her trying to walk. " thank you."

We got to his, William taking her to a guest room before giving me some clothes for me and her. I changed her quickly. She struggled leaning her weight on me as I got her in to wills clothes. I laid her back down pulling the covers over before changing myself. Will came in with a sick basin a glasses of water and a cloth that was damp. "Thank you." He put the basin in Grelle's reach as well as the glasses giving me the cloth. "I'll leave yous if you need anything I'll be in my room. He left with that so I put the cloth on my girlfriend's head before crawling next to her opening my arms for her, she shifted over berring her head in my chest. "It hurts." She whimpered still having her arms round her stomach, I held her close rubbing her back in small circles. "I know..... I'm here though it'll be ok."

She drifted off after a while still cuddled up to me, she still had the look of discomfort plastered on her face i hated when she was sick I want to be able to take away her pain.

I was still laying rubbing her back when she woke up throwing herself over the edge of the bed where the basin was sat, jolting again bring up round after round of sick. I sat there rubbing her back whispering sweet words in her ear.

After a bit she lent back into my arms. "Im a g-"
She nuzzled her head into me . "Stay" ".... Ok ." I wrapped my arms back round her drawing patterns on her back. I don't know if she or I drifted of first but I remember being woke up by William he was panicked. "W-what is it?" "Well it is umm grelle she's in the bathroom s-" I didn't let him finish getting up runing past him to his bathroom hearing his footsteps follow me. I ran into the bathroom to see the toilet seat and lid up her arms rested on the rims her head resting on her arm. I knelt down rubbing her back again. "Honey it's ok I'm here." She didn't speak back she just leaned into my chest pulling my arms round her. "Want to go back to bed." She shook her head. I turned my head slightly to see William knelt behind me worried plastered on his face it was weird he seemed so uncaring most the time but now he looked sick with worry. "William can you redo her cloth she burning." He only nodded running the cold water dipping the clothe in and ringing it out bring it over he knelt back with me but he to my surprise started to gently dab Grelle's head with it as she lay back against me. "William you ok?" He only nodded again, he looked done in like someone who was ready to pass out but he was fine he stayed with me and grelle for 2 hours as she brought up more .

"William you sure I can alway just stay off wit-" he shook his head. "I promise I'll call if she gets worse." "O-ok." I left to work leaving my love with William.

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