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Opposing lawyers and exes Yin and War end up facing each other in court in a divorce case that opens up a discussion that they should have had a long time ago.

"We'll take a break for lunch!" The judge calls from the stand, eyeing the two lawyers in front of him. "Prosecution and Defense come see me in my office."

War frowns, sending a long look at the other side of the court as if saying 'this is your fault', but Yin only raises an eyebrow at him. War wanted to wipe that look off of his handsome face.

"Take a break, I'll be right back." He whispers to his client. The woman nods at him with a small smile. Divorce cases were neither simple nor easy. Especially when your ex is the defense, and Yin was a damn good one.

War walks out of the courtroom and proceeds to the judge's office where Yin was waiting for him outside.

"Scared to face the Judge, Anan?" War taunted.

"I'm not going to be scolded alone."

That was fair, especially after what happened in the courtroom. They knocked and pushed the door open when they heard the voice from inside telling them to go in.

The judge levels them with another cold stare as they stand in front of him.

"You both know you behaved inappropriately in court. Need I say more?"

The judge raised his hand to silence them when they were about to speak. "I know your relationship isn't good. But I will not allow your petty fight inside my court. Understood?"

War nodded. The judge had been their mentor at some point in their careers and they knew that what he said goes, especially on the matters of the court.

When War had accepted the divorce case, he didn't think that much about it. It was a type of case he handled a thousand times, until the case spun out of control and until he found out that Yin was going to be the defense. You and your ex on opposite sides of a divorce case, surely there was a joke somewhere in there.

"Find an empty courtroom, resolve your differences. I'll see you in an hour."

They walked out of the office and War was about to head back to speak to his client when Yin pulled his wrist and dragged him down the hall.

"What are you-?" War asks, looking around and spotting a few of their colleagues giving them weird looks. "Let go of me Anan."

"We were told to resolve our differences. You don't want to disobey the judge do you?"

War huffs and tugs on his wrist. "You could have told me instead of dragging me away. It's easier to talk about things."

"You don't have a good track record of wanting to talk about things. So sue me, I dare you."

They walk inside an empty courtroom and War closes the door behind him, not wanting to have any uninvited witnesses to whatever was going to happen inside.

"Talk." He says simply, glaring at the other man who remained calm. "Talk or I'm walking out of here."

"You're always so aggressive. Don't you ever get tired."


"Stubborn as well."

"Are we here to list off all the reasons why we broke up?" War sassed. "Alright my turn, I can't be with someone who thinks that commitment is a joke."

"I never said that." Yin argues.

"You didn't have to. All I needed to hear was your counter arguments in court and I could already tell."

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