What if I don't stay? (01)

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Some people are born only to be friends.


War couldn’t pinpoint exactly when he fell in love with his best friend. Perhaps it was something that came with time, slowly gripping his heart until he couldn’t breathe. Or perhaps it was something that hit time like a speeding train, rendering him powerless to even try to stop it.

Whatever it was, there was no denying that despite his best efforts, his heart longed for the same man that keeps breaking it.

It’s always the little thing. It’s the way Yin buys him his chocolate milk every lunch without fail. It’s Yin calling him “Picasso” during his worst art blocks. It’s the way he purposely loses every game because he knows just how competitive War can get.

If you asked him what love was. He wouldn’t have an answer. Because it was complicated. Love was good. Love was bad. Love wasn't what he thought it would be.

Maybe falling in love with the one person who truly understood you could be the best thing in the world. Afterall, they say that the best foundation to a romantic relationship is friendship.

But for War, it was nothing but a cycle of euphoria and silent pain. Foolishly holding on to every small sliver of hope that maybe, just maybe, Yin will choose him one day.


It’s almost pitiful to say now, but Yin was the one person that successfully tore through every wall he built around himself.

And the one person that has the power to keep hurting him.

“I’ve met a girl.”

Those words were enough to stop him in his tracks, mouth going dry as silence enveloped them on their way home.

“Oh.” Was the only word he could say, he was used to the throbbing ache in his chest anyway.

“That’s all you have to say?” Yin’s smile was wide, pretty. But War couldn’t bring himself to admire it now, not when every fiber of his being was screaming at him to run away.

“You said that last month. And the month before that. And the month before that. It’s getting old now, Anan.”

He’d make a good actor because despite the pain in his chest, he still managed to put on a teasing smile to appease his friend. He was getting good at pretending.

“This is different.”

“And you said that with that one you met at the concert.” He replied with a shake of his head. “Really Anan.”

“I’m telling you, this time it’s going to last.”

Of course it doesn’t.

It never does.

And War was the constant that had to drive to the bar at four in the morning to pick up his drunk friend.

It was almost routine by now.

Yin falls in love, swears they’re the one and ends up breaking his heart. Also breaking War’s already fragile heart along with his.

“Why did you even drink too much?” He groans as he heaves the drunk man on the passenger side of the car.

“Because it hurts.”

He almost snorted at that. Alcosol never makes the pain go away, you just learn to live with it.

“Seriously Anan, you’ll meet someone else and you’ll move on.”

“Why can’t I just meet someone like you?”

That. That stops him in his tracks. Hands frozen in place as he turns his head to face the man on the seat next to his. Alcohol sounds really good right now.


“You won’t hurt me like they all do. You stay. Why can’t I find someone like you?”

And War wants to scream. Because it’s happening again. When he’s about to lose all hope, the dying flame burns just a little bit brighter and his heart beats a little bit faster at the slight indication that maybe this time it will be different.

He lays his head on the wheel, looking anywhere but Yin and convincing himself that yet again, all these were just the mutterings of a drunk man. Come tomorrow, Yin will forget everything he said and his heartbreak will start all over again.

“What if I don’t stay?” War asks, barely above a whisper, more to himself than anyone really.

“Please stay.”

And that was the breaking point, the last straw in his hazy mind. He looks up, eyes wide and frantic, taking in the sight of his best friend who had leaned his head on the chair with his eyes closed.

Just like this Yin was his biggest temptation. And the vos that he made to himself suddenly didn’t matter. Yin will forget anyway.

“I stay because I love you.”

A whisper. Soft, defeated.

And a kiss. Just a simple touch of their lips before he was moving away. Expecting to see Yin’s glazed eyes.


Except Yin’s eyes weren’t glazed with the effect of alcohol. It was a sharp pair of eyes brimming with clarity and it was boring straight into him.

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