What if I don't stay? (03 FIN)

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Days and weeks pass and things start to change. War noticed, of course he did. And it was not the good kind of change, it was the change that made him want to pull his hair out and scream at his bestfriend. It was the kind of change that he dreaded the most. 

Yin was becoming too careful, acting like he was always walking on thin ice around him. He was being too gracious and too considerate of his feelings. 

War didn't want that. He never wanted his pity. More than that, he didn't want to fool himself into believing he loved him too when they both knew that he didn't - that he never will. 

Because War was nothing more than a constant. He had a place in Yin's life but that place was only as a friend and nothing more. 

"Stop it."

The harsh tone of his voice surprised Yin to silence, the pretty smile on his lips falling and War was almost sorry to be the cause of it. But they had to talk and now was not the time to be thinking about how Yin's smile lit up a room. 

"What do you mean?"

"Yin just stop it. I told you nothing has to change between us."

"I know."

"Then why does it feel like it has? Why does it feel like you pity me?"

He couldn't mask the hurt in his voice anymore. It was time to stop pretending, time to stop like everything was the same - it was never going to be the same. 

"War, that's not-"

"It is. You stopped going on dates and you even stopped entertaining your admirers. You think I won't notice? Yin I know you."

"I just don't want to hurt you again."

There was a fleeting thought that Yin resembled a kicked puppy but War was already too deep in his emotions to really care about anything he else.

"It won't. You should have taken that as it is and moved on. I don't need you to pity me."

"Do you think I'm doing this out of pity? You think so low of me."

The intensity in Yin's eyes grew and a part of him wanted to give up. Almost. But he was through with backing down. 

"You are too noble. But you and I know that you would never choose me. If you wanted to, you would have done so a long time ago."

War knows it was petty, pulling all the blame on Yin when he knows it was all his fault anyway - it was his fault for falling in love and it was his fault for never having the courage to say anything. 

But sue him because he wanted Yin so feel atleast a fraction of what he went through. 

"I'm not doing this out of pity."

"Why does it feel like you are?"

"Then you don't know me at all."

Yin's eyes bore into his and it was too late before he registered that Yin was holding his hand, pausing for a second before intertwining their fingers. 

"Yin, no."

War's voice was broken, all the fight in his body sucked out by a single touch. That was the effect that Yin had on him. And it was terrifying - letting someone have that much power over you. 

"War, I'm not doing anything out of pity. I would never do that to you, you deserve better than that."

It was Yin's sincerity that first drew War to him and it was the same sincerity that was drawing him in now. 

"Then tell me why."

"You're my bestfriend. I don't want to hurt you and I don't want to lose you either. I'm not blind even though you clearly think otherwise. War, can't I be doing this because I want to?"

"You're only saying that because-"

Whatever he had to say was cutoff by Yin pulling him in for a hug, burying his nose in War's neck. 

"I want to choose you this time. I want to be the person that makes you happy, to be the person who makes you fall in love."

"I'm already in love with you idiot."

War heard Yin's laugh, the sound carefree - beautiful - and he couldn't help but join him, letting out a quiet chuckle as Yin held him closer, his scent enveloping him in a warm cocoon. 

"Not that Yin. That Yin was stupid and dense. I want you to fall in love with the Yin that deserves your love."

"Are you sure?"

"I will always be sure of you and me."


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