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According to tradition, every year on hallows eve, the covens gather to strengthen the ties among their kind. The night takes an interesting turn after the arrival of a mysterious guest.

Yin looked out the window to the gloomy night, representative of the occasion that mortals celebrated today. He wonders how many of them will dress-up in the classic garb of dark coat and fangs, unaware that his kind were lurking in the shadows.

However for him and for his kind, tonight was supposed to mean so much more than dingy parties and candies in plastic pumpkins.

"You're awfully quiet tonight." Prom observed, seemingly appearing out of nowhere. "Has the doom and gloom finally gotten to you?"

He chuckled, turning away from the window and facing the other. "Just thinking. Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be preparing for the feast?"

"Everything is in order, we're only waiting for their arrival." Prom replied before frowning.  "I'm not looking forward to hearing the old codgers talk my ear off about tradition though."

Yin thought it was a bit ironic considering that both of them were over five hundred years old. But age doesn't really mean anything when you're surrounded by people that are far older.

"You know how they are. Change is not something they don't take too kindly too." He reasoned and Prom scoffed 

"They're just stuck-ups who think that they're superior because of their age." His friend complained. "This event is a farce and you know it."

For that Yin has no answer because he agrees. The covens gather once every year, they say it is for strengthening the bonds of their kind but they all knew it was nothing more than an excuse to flaunt and sometimes to find a bed warmer for the night.

"The East coven will be the first to appear, they will be here in a few minutes." Prom informed him and Yin nodded.

"They're the closest to us after all.”

The East and West covens were practically neighbors and because it was the West coven's turn to host this year's gathering, Yin already expected them to show up first.

"Let's get ready for their arrival." He said with a straight face, grabbing the coat haphazardly laid on his bed and walking out the door. Only to turn back to Prom when he realized that the other man wasn’t following him. “Well?”

Prom's eyes lit up and his lips twisted up to a smirk. It was the first clue that Prom knew something that he wasn't going to be happy about.

"The head of the East coven is joining us tonight."

The words 'head of the East coven' was enough to stop him on his tracks. "Impossible, he never shows up.”

“It seems like he changed his mind.” Yin glared at his friend who only shrugged. “I only received the news a few minutes before looking for you. He took all of us by surprise.”

“What kind of game are you playing this time?” Yin whispered to himself, thinking of the elusive head of the East who hasn't appeared publicly in a hundred years.

“Maybe he’s coming to see you, you are old friends after all.” Prom teased, walking past him with a wink. “How long has it been since you last saw each other? A hundred years, give or take?”

“I don’t remember.” A lie, the head of the East coven is not an easy man to forget, at least not for him.

“Ah yes, it was about a hundred years ago, you were supposed to be fighting out in the field but-” Yin cut him off with a glare which only made Prom's smirk grow bigger. “Maybe history will repeat itself.”

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