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First time I've gone out in a week. I go to the local corner shop. I get a monster. Mostly I'm a massive fan of energy drinks but not really today. I didn't want to drink it for some reason.

I had a slight headache and it would just make it worse. As I walk back I feel like I'm going to faint.

I mean it wouldn't matter if I did faint not like anyone would really care. When I think about it no one really cares about me at all. No one really wants to see me and I'm just a mistake and I should just-
Karl. No just stop this. People do care about you. Ok?

What's wrong with you. No normal person feels this. As soon as I look-up I've walked past my house already. I'm only one house away. This is so embarrassing. I turn around and walk-up to my house.

I slowly open the door. And walk-up to my room. I look around my room. Something's off. I'm not sure what. It's probably because I'm tired. I'll just sleep.
No Karl it's to early to sleep. Actually do something today don't just sit around and do nothing.

My mental health is so messed-up. I don't know who to tell or what to do about it. I mean who would care? I would be judged for it anyway.

I look around to see my phone on my bed. I check my notifications. One notification.

<3 Quackity <3:
hey karl I just wanted to say that I hope you're ok as I've not seen you at school recently <3

Karl :) :
I'm fine thanks Quackity :D
I'll be at school tomorrow :)

I put my phone down on my desk. Another thing to add to my shit mental health. I don't have the energy for this. But I can't miss another day.

I take a look over to the book that I found. Just to see if maybe someone took it or maybe I could just write in it.

It was still there. Laying on my desk. I open the book. Nothing still. Why did I think something would of changed?

I get my laptop from my desk and sit on my bed. I scroll through articles watch some YouTube. Message Alex- I ment Quackity, for a while. I really need to get use to calling him Quackity.
I check Google classroom to see if I have any homework. Nothing. Only my computer science teacher setting work to do for studying for exams. Fun.

I check the time 5:56pm. Were did all the day go? Did I really wake-up about 7 hours ago already?

I look over again to this random book. Something draws me to it. Telling me to just... open the book and write. So that's what I do.

it's just a book (KarlNap)Where stories live. Discover now